MMA fans- documentary film-must see


New member
For all the mixed martial arts fans out there---
Smashing Machine--A documentary about Mark Kerr and a little
bit about Mark "the hammer" Coleman.
For all those who follow MMA, you will love this one.
You basically enter the life of Mark Kerr from his first fight in the
UFC to his last in Pride. It's an amazing journey of one man who
gets addicted to pain meds (it actually shows him injecting stuff
into his arm) and at one point od's on sedatives. This is real-- not a movie. Some really good footage.
A lot of times I was on the edge of my seat, my blood boiling and chills going down my back, cas' after entering someone's life--you just have to have some type of feeling for them.
Even if you don't like Kerr or Coleman(who has a pretty good-looking wife), you have to see The Smashing Machine.
You tend to forget that fighters aren't just fighters. They have lives outside the ring.

So, go check it out ----- The Smashing Machine ----------
yeah I have ssen it before, it used to be on cinemax or HBO, I cant remember which one. It is good, but sad to see how his life changed so much due to the meds.
U can download it from direct connect (i'd share it but it won't let me on anymore :()

The one i have is a muay thai doc about some american guy who goes to train/fight in thailand

the camp he trains at is where i trained in thailand
I have hears of this before, I did not know what it was called. I have been watching a ton of films lately though about muay thai. I am trying to become more educated, about fighters as well as history in general. My Kru has a million tapes so I have a lot to learn.
Muay Thai Guy said:
U can download it from direct connect (i'd share it but it won't let me on anymore :()

The one i have is a muay thai doc about some american guy who goes to train/fight in thailand

the camp he trains at is where i trained in thailand

is this the one where he fought a japanese guy with a lot of tatoo? he did win over that fight, i was able to watch this on national geographic, i was only able to see the last part though
no that was a different documentary. I know which one you mean
they also showed a lady who fought out of Jitty's GYm there.

The dreamchasers doc showed a guy who fought a kid called JR in Chiangmai (JR is a junior who i trained with and is a nice kid :) )
Do any of you guys know where I can download the film on Mark Kerr? I've seen it before and I'd love to have it. That nubain fucked him up.
Muay Thai Guy said:
no that was a different documentary. I know which one you mean
they also showed a lady who fought out of Jitty's GYm there.

yeah! that lady was a mother inspiring to continue her passion in the art of muay thai
Ahuh i've seen that

I used to train under one of Jitty's students and we did a fund raiser thing to try and get Jitty over here lol

but then i fell out with that trainer so who knows where the money i raised went cos I sure as hell don't think Jitty came down in the end!