Adding quality mass
I've been blasting and cruising for a year now. I've been lifting heavy the whole time. I've been lifting for many years now and I've gained a lot of strength in the big three lifts, but now I want more. This will be my first cycle.
My blasts have been 600 mg test cyp for 12 weeks then back down to cruising at 120 mg per week. What can I add to my next planned blast to ensure some quality mass gains? I had a hard time dialing the test in to get my e2 levels in check, so I don't really want to tank my estrogen again if that's possible.
I plan to shift my lifting from 80-90% 1rm with 3-5 reps to more of a bodybuilding style program. Moderate weights in the 8-12 rep range.
There is so much info on this site, it's hard to determine what to do based on someone's else's situation. Any thoughts on what I can add will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I've been blasting and cruising for a year now. I've been lifting heavy the whole time. I've been lifting for many years now and I've gained a lot of strength in the big three lifts, but now I want more. This will be my first cycle.
My blasts have been 600 mg test cyp for 12 weeks then back down to cruising at 120 mg per week. What can I add to my next planned blast to ensure some quality mass gains? I had a hard time dialing the test in to get my e2 levels in check, so I don't really want to tank my estrogen again if that's possible.
I plan to shift my lifting from 80-90% 1rm with 3-5 reps to more of a bodybuilding style program. Moderate weights in the 8-12 rep range.
There is so much info on this site, it's hard to determine what to do based on someone's else's situation. Any thoughts on what I can add will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.