

Iron Man
just picked up some today.. curious about what time i should take it, and is a 1000 mg pill sufficient each day ...

and is there anything i should not be taking it with

i gelieve the best dosage for msm is a couple of grams per day for an extended peroid of time to see results

so 1 pill problaby isnt enough per day :)
I take MSM along with Glucosamine and Chondroitin. I take 1g three times a day along with my glucosamine/chondroitin.:)
0nyx said:
just picked up some today.. curious about what time i should take it, and is a 1000 mg pill sufficient each day ...

and is there anything i should not be taking it with


yeah if you want some info about Nytro Fusion just check their website and they have a free guide with a crapload of info in it.
0nyx said:
just picked up some today.. curious about what time i should take it, and is a 1000 mg pill sufficient each day ...

and is there anything i should not be taking it with


I have heard good things about Cissus.Just got mine into today.I will let you know in a couple of weeks if it works for me.