Muscle volume.


Hybrid Athlete
Is there anything good that YOU have used that gives your muscles good volume without adding water retention?

Im wondering if CE2 Phospho-Creatine is good stuff. How about NO2? or is there something better that I dont know of?

Please let me know if you know of something good.
NO2 is trash. It severely decreases blood pressure and may cause brain damage. I don't believe it can give you anything even close in terms of gains as whey and creatine could. Don't waste your money.
pullinbig said:
you could try food. it works very well.

That would add muscle, we all know that.

Im looking for something that adds volume to you muscle cells to make them appear bigger.

Hey bast, WORD!!!!!! ha hah ah...........
Golden_Muscle: Why make something appear bigger then it is if its not competition?
Smells like disco training.
Haha well then ill try being helpful (but i still think its a stupid question)

Anyways, no creatine will help u cause it makes u hpld some water, some ppl more then other (personally i hardly gain any water weight but still get good effect from it)
But you could try NOX. It makes the blood (donno the word in english) so you get better/bigger pump etc. Even at low reps.. I love it + it helps deliver everything to the muscles.
good luck.