MUST READ!! Secret of the PROS #177-191 :)

In clinical trial of AOD964, as reported by Popichulo above, best effect was with a daily dose of 1mg/day. The product being offered is $50 for 2mg. Am I reading this wrong, or will this cost $25/day for an effective dose? Lion? Anyone else?
Rob Scott said:
In clinical trial of AOD964, as reported by Popichulo above, best effect was with a daily dose of 1mg/day. The product being offered is $50 for 2mg. Am I reading this wrong, or will this cost $25/day for an effective dose? Lion? Anyone else?

true, if thats what it costs to run the stuff then the real secret of the pros is there bank accounts. :(

THe other company selling a peptide of this nature has the wrong sequence again. THey copied the sequence from pub med. IT is the wrong sequence. The sequence we are selling is in stage 2 testing and has had great results. look for Pics soon
So what is the expected response time (i.e. how long before it matures and affects the body noticeably?)

@ $50 bucks for 10 days that could get expensive if this works like GH (like 6 months out)

Please post suggeested dosages and methods of delivery as well as cost per dose

Thanks. If this really works you are about to cash in big
THis is injectable. 200mcg a day. This is My friend are really loving the extraction of the HGh peptide it takes time to see the effects. My friends are really loving this stuff after 1 month. One guy has lost over 2 inches.
Any issues with hypoglycemia? That is what prevents me from using regular hgh and igf. Being diabetic I have to alter my regular insulin schedule drastically to accomodate those two, especially igf. After several severe instances of hypoglycemia I gave up on the stuff despite excellent results.
IF this shit worked im sure there would be a plethora of reviews
Has this really been around that long that it was a pro secret? So they were taking GH, plus this, and a bunch of other stuff to be contest ready?

Because I really, really hate it when people come up with catchy lines that are completely untrue just to try and get peoples attention. A real product with real results is what I want, not something that reminds me of fluffy magazine fiction.

I am very curious to see how people respond to this product results wise.
Mudge said:
Has this really been around that long that it was a pro secret? So they were taking GH, plus this, and a bunch of other stuff to be contest ready?

Because I really, really hate it when people come up with catchy lines that are completely untrue just to try and get peoples attention. A real product with real results is what I want, not something that reminds me of fluffy magazine fiction.

I am very curious to see how people respond to this product results wise.

LOL sounds exactly like it should be in a magazine ahahhahaaha