My 1st cycle - does it look decent?


New member
Haft to say that the GP´s here in UK are ridiculous. I had to postpone my cycle for 3weeks because they wouldn´t do a hormone panel test for me. The only thing I could fake me to getting was a regular blood-work and a testosterone-check (after I lied that I had no libido). No FSH, LH, estrogen, etc at all.
So I went to a private clinic, but the waiting-system is even more ridiculous. Losing my patience and decided to get started this week with my first cycle despite it all.

Let me know if it looks decent, gyno-combative.

1-6 weeks: 500mg TE-injections (2doses weekly a 1ml/dose) and 50mg Dianabol (daily) together with 0.5mg ADEX ED/EOD
6-12 weeks: 500mg TE-injections (2 doses weekly a 1ml/dose) together with 0.5mg ADEX ED/EOD
13-14 weeks: Only 0.5mg ADEX ED/EOD.
15-18 weeks: PCT with only Nolvadex (40/40/20/20) and Clomid (50/50/50/50)

My questions:

1) I was planning to taking injections Monday morning & Thursday evenings. Does it matter WHEN I take the Dianobol and Adex? After breakfast or on empty stomach? Can I take them together, or do I need to wait in between the Dianabol and Adex?

2) Injections will be intramuscular in the dorsogluteal site at 90 degrees (i.e. upper ass/ham, just below waist). What kind of syringe/needle and gauge size do you guys recommend? Color-coded?

3) Guessing it would be good to take NAC throughout the WHOLE cyle? What concentrations?

4) Is 50mg Dianabol sufficient, or should I take 60mg?

5) Should I tapper the Adex-concentration off gradualy or stick with the same concentration until I quit it cold turkey?
6) Anything I forgotten?

My stats:
- 30 years old
- 1,79cm and 75kg
- Average fit right now.
- been going to the gym on and off during the last 10years (1year on, 2years off, 2years on, 3years off, 1year on etc)
but right now it is 6days a week, 1-1½ a session. 4x10reps on most excersises.
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1) I was planning to taking injections Monday morning & Thursday evenings. Does it matter WHEN I take the Dianobol and Adex? After breakfast or on empty stomach? Can I take them together, or do I need to wait in between the Dianabol and Adex?

Adex doesn't matter. The dbol I would try to split the doses out throughout the day or just take it all pre-workout.

2) Injections will be intramuscular in the dorsogluteal site at 90 degrees (i.e. upper ass/ham, just below waist). What kind of syringe/needle and gauge size do you guys recommend? Color-coded?

I use 3ml syringes with a 25g 1.5 inch needle.

3) Guessing it would be good to take NAC throughout the WHOLE cyle? What concentrations?

600mg twice a day is good. I would double that while on the dbol.

4) Is 50mg Dianabol sufficient, or should I take 60mg?

50mg is plenty.

5) Should I tapper the Adex-concentration off gradualy or stick with the same concentration until I quit it cold turkey?

Taper off of it to avoid estrogen rebound.

6) Anything I forgotten?

Looks pretty good to me. Good job doing your research. You may not even need .5eod on the adex. I would start at.25eod and increase if needed.
Only thing I'd comment on is what MeatHead said. Start with a lower dose of Arimidex. Have you considered HCG on cycle?
Similar Cycle

Only thing I'd comment on is what MeatHead said. Start with a lower dose of Arimidex. Have you considered HCG on cycle?

I am on my first week of a similar cycle..

40mg Dbol a day for 4 weeks together with Test E. 250mg (2) times a week pinning Tues am and Sat afternoon.
20 mg Aromasin for 10 weeks and the same Post above with Nolva\Clomid. I even picked up Forma Stanzol for on cycle just in case. Anything missing? New to the site. Age 34 in the gym 5-6 times a week.. 3000 calorie diet. 225lbs 5'10" 19% body fat.
Thanks MeatHead96!

Is that 600mg NAC per intake, thus 1200mg/day. Or do you mean 300mg x 2 times a day (total 600mg/day)?

How would you recommend the Adex concentrations? Should I have the same concentration the first 12weeks and start tapper it off only during weeks 13-14?
How would the tappering off help against estrogen rebound? versus if I didn´t tapper off and just quite cold turkey?
I am on my first week of a similar cycle..

40mg Dbol a day for 4 weeks together with Test E. 250mg (2) times a week pinning Tues am and Sat afternoon.
20 mg Aromasin for 10 weeks and the same Post above with Nolva\Clomid. I even picked up Forma Stanzol for on cycle just in case. Anything missing? New to the site. Age 34 in the gym 5-6 times a week.. 3000 calorie diet. 225lbs 5'10" 19% body fat.

What do you mean with "picked up Forma Stanzol for on cycle just in case"? Just in case for what?

NAC = N-acetyl-Cysteine, for liver-protection
Only thing I'd comment on is what MeatHead said. Start with a lower dose of Arimidex. Have you considered HCG on cycle?

The Arimidex-tabs can most appropaitely be cut into halves, not 4s. So thats why I started with half a tab (0.5mg). But I will try out whether I should take 0.5 every day or every other day. I guess it depends on how much gyno/puffiness I feel.

Was thinking about HCG, but this is my first cycle. So I mostly want to get used to the standard and not go to the extreme. I am guessing the main advantage with HCG on cycle is to preserve your nuts (prevents muscular atrophy, right?) I don´t think I really worry so much about my nuts as much as I care about avoiding GYNO. :-)

Also, to expensive with HCG.
Will I miss anything with the HCG?
How come one doesnt take any AI´s (Adex) during post cycle therapy (pct)? Couldn´t it just be precautionary to take it, or will it do more harm then good?

Sorry if its a dumb question. The cold I got makes it harder to focus. Easier to read than think :-)
I am guessing the main advantage with HCG on cycle is to preserve your nuts (prevents muscular atrophy, right?) I don´t think I really worry so much about my nuts as much as I care about avoiding GYNO. :-)

Once your nuts disappear you might change your mind, I like my little friends there more than I thought. I started HCG at about that point (4weeks into TRT). After 4 weeks on HCG of 250iu a week doc took off hcg, size was almost normal but seems they shrink more often now. I will def use HCG during a cycle. Good luck either choice you make.
What do you mean with "picked up Forma Stanzol for on cycle just in case"? Just in case for what?

NAC = N-acetyl-Cysteine, for liver-protection

Ok I already had the liver protection so I'm good. Just in case the Aromasin wasn't working well but so far I have had no problems.