My 2 year long NATURAL transformation


live for lift
This is what I have achieved with 2 years of dedication and proper diet/ training. Before you decide to start a cycle, you should realize you can achieve an incredible physique with simple changes to diet and lots of motivation. I have been natural all my life and rarely use supplements, I'm still undecided on future use and hold nothing against anyone who does use, there's a time and place for all things.

I should add that in the before pic I had a torn tricep(still can't max out on skull crushers :( ) and was off training for one year. So muscle memory did play a small part but it was dedication and sacrifice that got me to this point.

First shot canada day 08, second shot 2 months ago(after a cut), 3rd shot today after eating(on a bulk, abs still visible)

Hope this inspires people to reach their full potential and their goals.
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Nice buddy! Your core looks alot like mine did b4 juice @ 150lbs. As I did steroids before even knowing about how one should diet I never saw my full natural potential. Body fat appears super low. The leaner one gets the bigger they look because of the definition and vascularity. Ive got some b4 & a's on my profile page in my photo album. Im 10lbs bigger now since coming off yet my clean dieting keeps my bodyfat right at 11%. Other professionals measured me in at 9% but Idk who ya supposed to believe?! Likely its between the two. Anyways cycle those carbs 3real light days, 1 moderate day and restart cycle continuing for 3 months max.. I bet you would look like you did sum sauce LOL
Actually, ALSO how you do cardio can give a HUGE boost of your natural GH and TEST as a response to extreme intensity!! Burst energetically in hard sprints for 3-5min, slow down to half fast walking/jogging speed for a minute or two and pick it back up and continue pattern for 45-60min. Along with carb cycling as I mentioned, you're natural hormone system would be as potent as somebody on because of the cardio intensity intervals
thanks for the advice, i don't want to take away from any of the positive attitude on these boards so ill just say this I HATE CARDIO :( , i have a very difficult time retaining muscle whilst losing bodyfat, the best tool in my arsenal is diet, as with my training, i stick with the basics(fish, chicken, oats blah blah we all know how its done) and that can never be stressed enough, if something isnt working you don't need more volume and a more complex diet. you need to get back to basic like right now this is an example of my back day
lat pull down 12, 8, 6
barbell rows 10, 8, 6
deadlift 10, 6, 4
upright row 12, 10, 8

arms day
DB curl 12, 10, 8
Skull crusher or dips 12, 10, 8
Close girp bench press 10, 8, 6
BB curl 10, 8, 6

I have made more gains from this training method over any other, heavy lifts, intestity, short rest periods, its that simple.
I hear ya. I too always used to lose muscle while cutting, but now I learned and realize its all about trickery. You gotta make your body think what you're doing to it is whats best for it. If theres any conflict of interest, you lose LOL! Reps and sets I always stay mid-high range. NOW I prefer 16-8 reps in 5+sets. I notice great improvement and "Platue-Breaking" when I reverse the reps occasionally. 8,10,12,14,16 beginning heavy and going lighter. Bodies are so vastly different so theres no RULE to anything. I herd this makes smaller more toned muscles but when I use it once a month for 1wk it revitalizes my gains.. Just some food for thought theres tons of variables you can use to help momentum from slowing