My 2nd cycle! Just a grain in desert.


New member
Hi! So I wanted to post my second cycle which I just started yesterday. I'm doing this one since I don't have a lot of cash in hand and I don't want to bulk a lot. Feel free to give advice, flame or anything else.

First off, I'm a male 6'1, 193lbs, training for 5 years, have a some what stable diet and general knowledge.

First cycle (about a year ago, gained a lot of strength and a good size):
week 1-4: Dianabol 18mg/evd
week 1-8: 450mg/week Testosterone cypionate
week 6-8: 50mg/eod Winstrol
week 11-13: pct tamoxifen

This cycle is a bit diferent:
week 1-4: Dianabol 18mg/evd (except off days)
week 1-9: 50mg/evd Testosterone propionate (don't know if I should stay at week 8 or go up to week 10?)
week 1-8: 300mg/week Equipoise (Raise amount of mg/week or raise up to week 10?)
week 10-13: pct tamoxifen 40mg evd/week 10, 20mg evd/week 11-12, 10mg evd/week 13

Diet: come around like this more or less
3 eggs + tomato + small bowl oat meal
3hrs later 1 protein scoop
3hrs later cup of rice + bean + meat
3 hrs later 1 protein scoop
1 hr later scoop of NO
1hr later gym
right after gym 1 protein scoop
2 hrs later varies from bowl of cereal, eggs, or anything around.

(I'm useing 100% whey protein from Optimum Nutrition: 1gr fat, 4grs carbs, 24grs protein, 5 gr glutamin)
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Hi! So I wanted to post my second cycle which I just started yesterday. I'm doing this one since I don't have a lot of cash in hand and I don't want to bulk a lot. Feel free to give advice, flame or anything else.

First off, I'm a male 6'1, 193lbs, training for 5 years, have a some what stable diet and general knowledge.

First cycle (about a year ago, gained a lot of strength and a good size):
week 1-4: Dianabol 18mg/evd
week 1-8: 450mg/week Testosterone cypionate
week 6-8: 50mg/eod Winstrol
week 11-13: post cycle therapy (pct) tamoxifen

This cycle is a bit diferent:
week 1-4: Dianabol 18mg/evd (except off days)
week 1-9: 50mg/evd Testosterone propionate (don't know if I should stay at week 8 or go up to week 10?)
week 1-8: 300mg/week Equipoise (Raise amount of mg/week or raise up to week 10?)
week 10-13: post cycle therapy (pct) tamoxifen 40mg evd/week 10, 20mg evd/week 11-12, 10mg evd/week 13

Diet: come around like this more or less
3 eggs + tomato + small bowl oat meal
3hrs later 1 protein scoop
3hrs later cup of rice + bean + meat
3 hrs later 1 protein scoop
1 hr later scoop of NO
1hr later gym
right after gym 1 protein scoop
2 hrs later varies from bowl of cereal, eggs, or anything around.

(I'm useing 100% whey protein from Optimum Nutrition: 1gr fat, 4grs carbs, 24grs protein, 5 gr glutamin)

Hey Mate,

Not trying to have a go at you, but that doesn't seem like a lot of food

im 6'1 and 210 pounds (about 10% BF), and im eating 900 grams a meat a day, and 600grams of oats a day + other food!!

i might be a hard gainer, but you dont look like your eating enough..

cant comment on your cycle, as ive only done 1 500 test e cycle, and ive only been training for 1 year, but i think youve needed to eat more for those 5 years of training

im not an expert
im not huge

just my $0.02

all the best with your up coming cycle
8 weeks of EQ is too short.
Don't see how not taking dbol on off days is beneficial, it's cheap as it is.
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add 5lbs a week of lean top sirloin, and a stack of three pancakes to that every day before your work out and you will get big. Lift strength training. Do that for 4-6 or ( until you plateau)weeks BEFORE you start you cycle and you will bet BIG.

Why a short ester test? Mucho pinning! anyway up you EQ o 6-800 otherwise its a waste. If your worried about bloat (You diet is light) kill the d-bol.