MY 2nd Cycle Prop / Anadrol.


New member
Hello All,

This is my 2nd cycle as noted, I will be running 100 mg Prop eod, as well as 100mg of Drol for 25 days to kickstart.

So far I am on day 4 of the cycle no noticeable changes in the gym really, might of had some increased endurance
which may of been placebo but nothing to note as of now.

Week 1: 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
Week 2-3: 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
Week 4: 20mg Nolva ED

Consuming about 3500-4000 calories a day

Only sides to mention so far is the dull headache that lasts all day, I understand now why people wouldn't be able to handle drol. If these headaches were more severe they
would be unbearable. Prop, has been injecting very well with minimal pip in quad and glute (delt tomorrow the real test), the lab i'm using I did quite a bit of research on and
there supposedly top notch gear.

Goal of 15 lbs kept is what i'm sticking for here, I don't think that is too much to ask for.
Thanks for the tip, i'll def look further into it. I have some Arimidex on hand.

Its been over a week now and for awhile there the headaches got more than moderate, I've been taking milk thistle out the wazoo and drinking tons of water. It seems now that they have subsided and I barely get a dull ache anymore. I can notice a little aggression in myself as well as improved endurance and strength. Sexually I've become a deviant which was the same feeling I got when my test started kicking in last time. Shots have been good with less PIP than my first cycle when I ran Enth.. I injected Left Glute yesterday and I wouldn't be able to tell you I injected today if I had too.

Diet and training have both been going well. I must admit though I expected more from Anadrol.
At 100mg a day I haven't got the strength and size yet its known for. But i'm keeping with it and patiently waiting to turn into the marshmallow man with that water weight. Only time will tell.

Tomorrow I pin left delt and train legs, im pretty excited to not be able to walk for a few days.
Is that weird?

All the best,

Ok, update. I just finished my first bottle of Prop as well as 2/3 of my bottle of Anadrol has been depleted.

I am currently up 13 lbs, which I will imagine will cap out at around 20-25 once the drol is done. Strength has been steadily increasing,
the only sides im getting from the drol anymore is a lethargic feel. I honestly feel like I could hit the drol at 150 a day but for my livers sake i shal not.
Muscle pumps in the gym have been a bit dramatic. Did some FST to finish off my lats and like.. wow.. what a pump.

Injection pain no longer exists, and only 2 bottles left to this cycle.

all the best,

2 weeks left up 20 lbs... Hit a nerve last night ... fuck did it hurt...
I never lost any weight after I got off the drol... Which I thought would plummet. I'm fairly sure that it was heavily under dosed. I complained to
the source about quality and they sent me another bottle from a different lab. I took it for a few days and I got noticeable sides so I dont know if im going to just
take this to finish the 2 weeks or just save it for a kick starter on my next cycle. All in all, everything is going well. Id be happy now If I eat like a horse get up 25 and
retain 15.

All the best,