My 3rd cycle : test, mast, tren - advice needed


New member
Hello guys,

This will be a 10 week cutting cycle and it's gonna be my 3rd.

I'm 6'4 and I weigh 235lbs. Idk exactly but I think I'm at %15 BF. I have 6 years of training experience under my belt.

Here is the cycle plan :

Week 1-10 : Testosterone Prop 300mg/week
Week 1-10 : Masteron Prop 300mg/week
Week 3-10 : Trenbolone Ace 300mg/week

Week 1-11 : HCG 3x 250UI = 750UI/week
week 1-11 : Arimidex 1/4 tab EOD
week 3-10 : Cabaser 1/4 tab EOD
week 3-10 : Levitron (T4) 100mcg ED


Week 12-15 : Clomid (100-100-50-50)
Week 12-15 : Nolvadex (40-40-20-20)

This is what I did before for pct, should I increase the dosage and extend the plan? (because of tren?)

Pin days will be Mon, Wed, Fri for all roids and hcg shots.

Diet macros will be around 200-250gr protein, 170-200gr carbs, 50-60gr fat.

Workout plan is 4-5 days a week with high volume. I will hit the upper body 2 times with a combination of split and upperbody workouts. I hate cardio, but I'll try to do it 2 times a week.

Please drop your comments. They're greatly appreciated.
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A few comments:

Have you needed that much AI on previous cycles for similar dosages? In am wondering if that might be a little too much.

I would keep the Cabernon hand and only use it if there are signs of high prolactin. If you keep your estradiol in the normal range there is a good chance you won't need the DA.

Why not use T3 instead of T4?

Pinning every other day would be preferred to MWF. Although I wouldn't pin hCG that frequently. Many guys only pin hCG twice a week.

How old are you?
Thanks for the reply!

I'm 30 years old.

For AI, yes I've always used it like that. But this is when I was bulking with testosterone enanthate 500mgs /week. I've never used above compounds and short esters. To be honest, It seemed a little bit much to me also. These compunds are not aromatizing and a small dosage of AI should be enough to keep e2 aromatizing from 300mgs of test prop weekly. Maybe I was so picky.

About cabernon, I definetaly have no idea. I've never used it. What do you suggest to do? How I can I know if I'm having not estro but prolactin sides?

T4 seems safer to me. This is why I prefered it. The main reason behind using this, is everybody talking about how trenbolone affects the thyroid levels. If it is not necessary, I can drop it or switch to T3.

I've always pinned HCG twice a week (mon & thu) because of its 3day half life. But with trenbolone I thought that an increased dosage of HCG plus frequent pinning would be better. What do you suggest?
Meant to type caber on hand. Caber is cabergoline. Sorry about the typo.

I would only run the caber if you need it. You will know via blood work, lactation or the dreaded "deca dick". Keep you E2 in the normal range and prolactin most likely will not be an issue. But you have the caber just in case.

I would only pin hCG twice a week. I don't think you need to modify this tried and true protocol. But if you want to do it thrice weekly that is fine.

If you are not running T4 or T3 for fat loss then don't include it in your cycle. It is not required. Why mess with your thyroid if you don have to?
You don't want to wait 2 weeks to start pct. Your using short esters! You should do some more research. That's a very low dose cycle too btw...
Meant to type caber on hand. Caber is cabergoline. Sorry about the typo.

I would only run the caber if you need it. You will know via blood work, lactation or the dreaded "deca dick". Keep you E2 in the normal range and prolactin most likely will not be an issue. But you have the caber just in case.

I would only pin hCG twice a week. I don't think you need to modify this tried and true protocol. But if you want to do it thrice weekly that is fine.

If you are not running T4 or T3 for fat loss then don't include it in your cycle. It is not required. Why mess with your thyroid if you don have to?

Good info.

OK. I will keep caber on hand. No T3 or T4. Also I will use 250UI x2 weekly hcg like my previous cycles.

Do you have any other advice?

Also, I can add 50mg Anavar daily for the last 5 weeks if I can find a legit one.

You don't want to wait 2 weeks to start pct. Your using short esters! You should do some more research. That's a very low dose cycle too btw...

Thanks for warning mate. You are right. I saw that after posting. I mistyped the weeks for starting the PCT. I will wait 1 week at maximum before starting the pct. Short esters don't require that much waiting.
I've have some suggestions but before I elaborate I need to know exactly what your goal is? You competing ?

My goal is to maintain my muscle mass as much as I can (or put a little bit more with the help of tren) and also I'm aiming a body fat percentage like %9-10.

I don't compete and I don't have any intentions to compete in future.

So, what are your suggestions?
This being your 3rd cycle you have many compounds. Too many in my opinion. I'd drop the t4 and up the tren. Less than 50mg per day will not be very beneficial. Test prop also should be higher.

Total calories also look a little low. You are large person like myself. I lose fat quickly on 3200 calories on test and tren alone. That is my go to for pre contest.

In sum drop t4

Up test and tren if possible

You may need to eat more
Thanks for the input.

I will start Tren with 300mg/week. If sides are manageable, I can increase it any time. No problem.

And for eating, I can eat shit load of food If I want. Just tell me to eat :) I have infinite appetite :)

I will start with this plan for the first weeks. After starting tren, I will increase the protein to 300gr and carbs to 250.
I think the test is perfect tren mast is on the low side but simce its your first time it will change you. Only problem with short esters i think you should pinn eod minimum. T4 complete waste it didnt do shit for me but i here its good with hgh but i dont know. I dont use hcg i dont even see it necessary for such a short cycle anyway.

Too many people run caber and personally i dont know hoe safe it is but if say its safe to keep on hand but you wont need it on low doses of tren. As long as estro idnt high ive never heard of prolactin Being a issue. Ive been using tren a long time and i dont use caber but definitely have it.

You will know if estro is building up if your like me and evaluate your body everyday in the mirror. On tren you have to see progress lines on delts especially should be visible when you start seeing shit blur its a problem. FiRst time on tren expect drastic change and changes within a few days.

Alot people urge people to wait but im pretty sure your gonna do it anyway and your stats look good to me. Definitely consider 400mgs tren and if possible more mast 15% bf is a good place to be when in tren. As far as diet i have no idea im not aesthetic but i like to be big and muscular and i find tren loves carbs my protein is always high i drink liquid egg whites with chocolate almond milk all day lol
Why should I wait a few more cycles?

Can you be a little bit more specific?
tren can be pretty harsh on some. some lose it, some cant sleep, have fuked up dream, night sweats, mood swings, anger, depression, anxiety and so on.... Tren is one of those fucked up compounds IMO... Im one that gets low sides and only a bit of the sweats.. but even I start to feel pretty shitty after about 6 weeks...
I rec other compounds because pretty much every other compound feels better on the body than tren (cept drol)

I just feel getting exp with other compounds is better, and you can compare better to how much you hate or love tren later on.
maste and teste is great combo and without sides of tren, a little aggression, but you sleep well, no tren cough or fucked up dreams or depression... and you dont have to worry about prog/estro gyno that can be a bit complicated when it comes to deca or tren.
just my opinion.
Thanks for your detailed feedback bro. I appreciate that and I will remember these in my further cycles.

You are one of the guys who I follow regularly since I've started juicing. So, I'm going to do it again. OK. No tren. Just test & mast. Last 5 weeks 75mg Anavar. I'm just thinking about increasing the number of cardio sessions I make.

This should be sufficient with a well tweaked diet.

One more question, Is it possible to see or feel the effects of masteron on a relatively high bodyfat percentage? (like mine. %15)
BTW, today I will pin the 3rd injection. I started on monday. 100mg test + 100mg mast. I haven't felt the kickin yet.
I think the test is perfect tren mast is on the low side but simce its your first time it will change you. Only problem with short esters i think you should pinn eod minimum. T4 complete waste it didnt do shit for me but i here its good with hgh but i dont know. I dont use hcg i dont even see it necessary for such a short cycle anyway.

Too many people run caber and personally i dont know hoe safe it is but if say its safe to keep on hand but you wont need it on low doses of tren. As long as estro idnt high ive never heard of prolactin Being a issue. Ive been using tren a long time and i dont use caber but definitely have it.

You will know if estro is building up if your like me and evaluate your body everyday in the mirror. On tren you have to see progress lines on delts especially should be visible when you start seeing shit blur its a problem. FiRst time on tren expect drastic change and changes within a few days.

Alot people urge people to wait but im pretty sure your gonna do it anyway and your stats look good to me. Definitely consider 400mgs tren and if possible more mast 15% bf is a good place to be when in tren. As far as diet i have no idea im not aesthetic but i like to be big and muscular and i find tren loves carbs my protein is always high i drink liquid egg whites with chocolate almond milk all day lol

Tren is really kicking in here intensity through the roof striations on chest delts I definitely see it and starting to get dreams and sweats and aggressive as a mofo
OP - you need to rum Masteron at 600 mg a week at a minimum,, your just wasting gear running only 300 a week
Hello people. Let me update the topic.

Cycle is going fine. I will not end the cycle on planned date. I will drop the masteron and make 3 weeks more with 450mg/week test prop and some winny.

I didn't lose that much pounds on the scale but I got in really good shape. This cycle became a recomp for me.

I loved the masteron. I haven't got any side effect so far. It is a really clean roid and works great with test. I will definetaly run it 500mg/week or something in my next cutting cycle. The pumps are so good with masteron you can easily get addicted to it. I can't imagine what it can do at higher doses.

I just wanted to thank all you guys who helped me out at the start of this cycle.

Btw, I got BP problems during the cycle. I tried lots of ways like cutting the salt, adding garlic to everything, hawthorn berry supplementation, etc. Nothing solved the issue. I started delix (ramipril) 5mg ED. It solved all BP related problems for me. It seems like I will need it in all my future cycles.
I won't retype what has already been said, you've received good feedback from the mods.

However, you've never used Masteron or Trenbolone before and wish to use them both together for the first time? Not smart, but it has been done before, so whatever.

Also, 300mg Masteron @ 15%bf? What is your motive behind the Masteron? If it's for the anti-estrogen properties, save your money. Otherwise, I would up the dose.
But then again, I wouldn't of used Mast or Tren for the first time together, I somewhat find it a relief knowing which side effect is being caused by which of the three or four different compounds I cycle.

Best of luck.