My 3rd cycle. Test+Tren+Kickstart


New member
Hello everybody, its been a while since I posted to this forum.

So, im looking again for you advices and help. I know the rules so information about the past cycles and my current stats:
Past cycles:

First: Test E 500mg for 12 weeks + Dianabol 30mg for 4 weeks as a kickstart + AI for the entire cycle. PCT with Nolva+Clomid

The second cycle was a bit more interesting: Test E 500mg for 12 weeks + Dianabol 30mg for 5 weeks as a kickstart. As a experiment, to see if I tolerate Tren I added Tren Ace for 2 weeks at 0.75mg. Prolactin inhibitors wasn't used here, due to short time. Everything went well. I finished it with 4 weeks Anavar + Masteron. AI throu the entire cycle. PCT was Clomid+Nolva.

And my stats
25 years old
Currently sitting at 9.7% BF (measured with caliper 3 days ago)

Adding Lean mass, staying around 12% BF (i know diet will dictate that).

So here is what i came up with:

Week: 1-16 Test E 500mg
Week: 1-5 Test Prop 100mg EOD
Week: 1-5 Dianabol 30-40mg ED
Week: 8-14 Tren Ace 0.75mg EOD or 100mg EOD
Week: 8-14 Anavar 50-70mg ED

Week: 1-16 AI: Arimidex (anastrozol) at 0.5mg EOD (due to past cycles, this dosage works wonders with me)
Week: 8-14: Antiprolaction at standard dosage, will bump it up after blood work if neccessery.

Standard Clomid + Nolva

Will add HCG, standard protocol.

Sooo..... what do you guys think?

Thank you for your time and knowladge.
Kick starting your third cycle with test prop and dbol is overkill. Too hard to dial in your ai dose. Plus you got tren and anavar in the mix too. More gear doesn't mean more results. Maybe calm down a bit with the gear. You are planning a lot of shit for a third cycle! Maybe try test with anavar at the tail end. Tren is a heavy compound and will do wild things to you. Go read some of Matt's threads. You'll see what I mean. Plus, you really shouldn't be taking all those orals together not to mention wanting to add tren too. Very toxic to the liver! Ease up a bit and work more on diet and training. Always room to improve on that. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon...