My best bulking cycle yet


New member
God knows how many times ive changed this course, but ive decided to keep it simple and the idea that more is not always better, but is more expensive though!
Here it is anyway, I want to hit 250lbs from this course, im currently 217lbs at around 9-10%bf and 5"10 tall. Yeh i look good!!

Weeks 1 - 9 1000mg sust/wk
Weeks 1 - 9 500mg deca/wk
Weeks 1 - 4 100mg oxys/ed
Weeks 1 - 5 50mg dbol/ed
Weeks 6 - 7 20mg dbol/ed
Week 8 10mg dbol/ed
Weeks 10 - 12 1000mg test prop/wk
Weeks 1 - 4 40mg nolva/ed
Weeks 5 - 12 20mg nolve/ed
Weeks 2 - 12 500iu HCG/Every 3days (might up at end of course)

PCT starts day after last injection of test prop.
Day 1 - 5 tabs
Days 2 - 10 2tabs/ed
Days 11 - 21 1tab/ed

Will be taking aiding supplements such as creatine, glutamine, arginine, BCAA's, multi vitamins through out the course.

Let us know your thoughts. I start on 27/08/07 so ill try and get sum pics posted for before and after shots.
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I generally eat clean anyway with only a cheat day once a fortnight.
I eat clean but a eat alot 5000 - 7000cals day.
Mainly 45/45/10
Sometimes 40/40/20 if im being honest.
Should hit 250lbs, id be happy at that if i stayed lean which i should
You're a bigboy! Those doses seems high, but can see why. Only thing I would personally change would be dropping the prop dose some. I know many don't believe in tapering, but I personally feel better coming off. I also wouldn't run nolva unless I started getting itchy. I try not to take anything unless I absolutely need it. Are you prone to gyno? otherwise, if your diet, rest and training are dialed in, you should walk away with some nice quality mass.
Dont normally get ichy till 3rd week but because im running oxys and dbol just wanted to be on the safe side.

Ill keep you posted on results in this thread when i start my course.

Cant fookin wait!
i'd drop the oxy for a bulker but it seems you may be using it different purposes. If i could recommend...GHRP-6. This stuff, morning and night at 200mg a dose leds to about 10 lbs in 2's pretty crazy but it works for me. it's like $20 for $20 for five days.

Good luck, it's more gear than i've ever run or will run for a few years.
Never heard of it. Easier just to get the drol and dbol.

Why drop the drol though, its an excellent bulker and great boost for a start to a course.
Right 5days b4 i due to start my course, guess what i got food poisoning, so my weight dropped from 225lbs to 217lbs, as u can imagine i was pissed.

Anyway started my course last monday 27/08/07 and weighed 217lbs and on yesterday 04/09/07 i weighed in at 229.2lbs. i looked and felt great!

Only problem is that with taking th dbol and oxys i get incredibly painfull lower back pumps. On monday I started deads on back, did 4sets and i couldnt move so had to jack in that training session, went down after i got home and relaxed.

And ive managed to get tennis elbow in my left arm aswell. Prices to pay for getting big ha. Wouldnt mind if i was in week 9 - 10 but in week 2.

Will keep u posted anyway, 250lbs here i come!!
Does any1 else get these horrible back pumps and did u do to get rid of it? I drink at least 6ltrs of water a day so my water intake high. Is there anything else to do?
Also bro I'm wondering...

You're on a lot of stuff bro...

Milk thistle or any other type of liver aid for liver protection? You taking any of that? You should being on the oxy and d-bol.

Last question I had is are you having any trouble sleeping at night on all that shit? I am just wondering becuase I have trouble sleeping sometimes because of elevated heart rate and beeing bloated a lot from drinkin all the water and pissin 20 times throughout the
yeh taking milk thistle, cod liver and primrose oil and drinking shit loads of water but still getting the back pumps.

And yeh i hardly sleep at nite, up every few hrs, taking a piss most of the time.

3rd week in and ive had the past week and half off due to tennis elbow. got my weight up to 234lbs though. Havnt put that much fat on either, got sum good lean muscle. Surprised as ive had week and half off.

Start back in the gym on monday as ive fully recovered after getting some anti-inflammatorys tabs off my gp. Worked a treat!
God Called In Sick said:
sounds like what I did last year, expect I ran it for 12 weeks

What were your gains like

I have gone already from 198 to 225 in 5 weeks and put inches on my body and only at about 7.5 % body fat IF that...

bench went from 355 to 445 in 5 weeks and i'm doing INSANE lifts with everything else too... 315lbs for reps on incline... 365lbs for reps on decline...
triceps are strong as fuck (skull crush with like 160lbs)...biceps are OK (bicep curl with like 155lbs)...dumbell bicep curl with about 70lbs dbs

What were your over-all gains like and did you do good post cycle therapy (pct) afterward
"Bro I'm at week 6 in my cycle... I'm hittin 600-800mg test cyp/wk 300-450mg deca/wk and also on d-bol naps (25-40mg ED) weeks 1-5."

"I have gone already from 198 to 225 in 5 weeks and put inches on my body and only at about 7.5 % body fat IF that...

bench went from 355 to 445 in 5 weeks"

Long ester Test and deca...three to four weeks to really start seeing good gains. You mean to tell me you dbol has increased you bench 90lbs in five weeks? That means you've put and extra 20lbs on the bar every week and hit it to perfection? An you've gained nearly 30lbs?

I don't normally call people out but to me this is bullshit