My Boldione and 1-AD Journal

grafix-gnc said:
good read...

FYI, this produced better results for you IMO than your D-BOL and test cycle

i gianed more on. but also keep in mind that i work much more now than i did over the summer
Guys, this is why these pro-steroids are going to be banned! Write your local congressman and get him to vote against it! Send all the positive aspects of incresed test levels...they cant take everything any!
Guys, this is why these pro-steroids are going to be banned! Write your local congressman and get him to vote against it! Send all the positive aspects of incresed test levels...they cant take everything any!
I know they work! I already sent emails and letters to my congressman regarding prosteroids. Im already stockng up like crazy.
boldenone is one of those few prohormones that really work. Oraly active. im currently using 1 test I.M. which has given me super lean gains. Now im currius on how boldoine would do when used as an injectable. anyone down enough?
Trenimator76 said:
boldenone is one of those few prohormones that really work. Oraly active. im currently using 1 test I.M. which has given me super lean gains. Now im currius on how boldoine would do when used as an injectable. anyone down enough?

that is a good question. an injectable boldione and 1-t cycle would be sweet.

how is the pain from the 1 t?
honestly i dont like these products, i used high doses of 1-AD and gained nothing from them my diet and training were spot on....i have used Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and even with a poor diet could manage 5-6lbs
Nutri-Wrestler said:
that is a good question. an injectable boldione and 1-t cycle would be sweet.

how is the pain from the 1 t?
I use 1 test liquid. Its suspended in sesame oil and benzyl alcholohol. 100mg/cc in a 50cc vial. There products sometimes have cyrstalized. So bake it for 45minutes till the crystals are gone. Its for oral use. But works great I.m. There is pain. But use it with a slin needle. The pain will last about 5 minutes of burn but then thats about it. No sweat way better than prop or sus where pain will last for days.
p.s. In the ad it says it has lemon flavor. but u have to specifiy to them that u want flavor less.
Trenimator76 said:
boldenone is one of those few prohormones that really work. Oraly active. im currently using 1 test I.M. which has given me super lean gains. Now im currius on how boldoine would do when used as an injectable. anyone down enough?

im curious as to exactly what kinds of gains you are getting from that and how much you are using?
Trenimator76 said:
I use 1 test liquid. Its suspended in sesame oil and benzyl alcholohol. 100mg/cc in a 50cc vial. There products sometimes have cyrstalized. So bake it for 45minutes till the crystals are gone. Its for oral use. But works great I.m. There is pain. But use it with a slin needle. The pain will last about 5 minutes of burn but then thats about it. No sweat way better than prop or sus where pain will last for days.
p.s. In the ad it says it has lemon flavor. but u have to specifiy to them that u want flavor less.

you shot IM with an insulin pin? where did you shoot? Im guessing you backloaded the syinge. And why would you only use insulin syringe?
since 1 test is just in a suspension of oil without an ester then it would require daily injection. And i dontthink I would even use a 25g with it. YIKES! a 29g 1cc slin needle is the shit. I just shoot my tricep and delts. I can even shoot the sides of thigh (i have low bf) I want to shoot my traps but i dont have the balls to do it. I want to bake boldenone. some places sell it as powder. And it is very cheap. Im gona bake one this week. How bout the 19-nor. Do u think it would be even worth it?
Trenimator76 said:
since 1 test is just in a suspension of oil without an ester then it would require daily injection. And i dontthink I would even use a 25g with it. YIKES! a 29g 1cc slin needle is the shit. I just shoot my tricep and delts. I can even shoot the sides of thigh (i have low bf) I want to shoot my traps but i dont have the balls to do it. I want to bake boldenone. some places sell it as powder. And it is very cheap. Im gona bake one this week. How bout the 19-nor. Do u think it would be even worth it?

you can do a 19-nor and 1-t stack, but only if you dont have a g/f. Call it the 'Dead Dick Stack'
Nutri-Wrestler said:
you can do a 19-nor and 1-t stack, but only if you dont have a g/f. Call it the 'Dead Dick Stack'
lol! Weird im currently on a fina 35mg 1test 50mg a day. stack. And no finadick yet. I usully get it post cycle butthats what bromocriptine is for.