My buddie s shoulder need sattention


New member
...went from torn rotator cuff which he could work around, to pain s in the neck and up through neck...add a couple doc opinions and a little physical therapy over a period of 2.5 . He trained around it and then one morning he lost range of motion and now can only raise it 30-40 degree s to the floor. No weening of shoulder blade or evidence of nerve damage. Several never studies ( emg s ) have left in limbo with a diagnosis
1-Acute Brachial Nervitis


2-Parsonage Turner Syndrome

He was told that this / these are virul and 1 in 100k people can get it.

He s friggen had it specialist and was wondering if u could suggest someone to see or call of where to turn.

They look into tissues in the carpal tunnel/interstitial/bursal spaces pressing on the nerves? I know of a few cases where a lot of overhead presses caused nerve weakness - and a drastic loss of strength and range of motion.

I'd hit up an orthopedic surgeon and see what they have to say if he hasn't already. :)

Edit: Reason being that some of those (bursa space impingement for example) may not show up without repeated MRIs, or a good eye directing the search.
That dosnt sound to good I've never of anything viral like that before . it seems strange that he's had it for 2.5years and if he's been in pain for so long .
An ortho could be a good idea but most of the time I've found unless it's an obvious injury like broken bones then there pretty useless but it couldn't hurt like halfwit said . I fully separated my ac joint not dislocated but a full separation and I only had about 30 deg of motion it made just putting on a shirt a battle and it took about 8 months to come good no surgery but even now if I stand in front of a mirror you can see my right shoulder still sits lower than my left but it was time light weight and tb500 stacked with ghrp2 cjc and a bit of lgd helps me with just about every injury I've got or had and I had a fair few goodluck to your mate sucks being injured