My buddy gave these to me. What are they??

thanks for the help... Seriously I came here because I really wanted some help and am very uneducated about this kind of stuff. My friend said he has had them for a couple of years if that helps
Looks like Anavar (I'm guessing). but man please DO NOT TAKE THAT STUFF IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS, even if you do know, there are serious health issues to consider, like shutting down your natural hormone cycle, and permanently f-ing yourself. Throw it away PLEASE just toss that stuff.
There is no way to k ow what it is by looking at a pic. But do know that males cannot run oral steroids alone. They must also run injectable testosterone at the same time
Looks like either a copycat British Dragon (they no longer exist, so it's a "fake") anadrol 50, or winstrol 50. Neither of which should be taken by themselves without injecting testosterone. In fact, like the others said - how well do you trust your buddy? I know I wouldn't take something that could be ANYTHING if I didn't REALLY trust that person.
Those look like super old british dragon dbol's. Throw them in the garbage and tell your friend thanks for looking out (in a sarcastic way because he is a total douche bag for giving you that)
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agree w HW...BD went down in flames yr s ago with the Brit s doing time in Thailand...BD s copied by a china man now but still...give em back. Either A drol or winstrol 50 will crush your hpta and cause more stuff than u can possibly imagine.

(disclaimer--before some dumb fuck rip s on me for saying china man if a man from china is he not a----)
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Why would your friend just hand you pills and not say what they are ? Red flag guys

I would smack your friend upside his head, make him take them, and then beat the crap out of him. tar and feather him. and for the grand finale, get 3 cambodian midget trannys to kick him in the balls for an hour, while he is made to watch re-runs of Boy George music videos.........while on acid.
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Why would your friend just hand you pills and not say what they are ? Red flag guys

good point, is this your friend OP?

They look a bit like the old anapolon 50 tablets from back in the 90's...
Some friends you have!

Either that or they are Fisherman's Friend mint lozenges - suck on one and if they're minty, they're good to go ;)
My buddy just gave these to me and I was wondering what they are exactly. He said they are testosterone... I dont think that is right but I don't know. By the way I am completely new to any type of steroids or anything like that. Anything helps

View attachment 562791

View attachment 562792

A bing image search provided me with this, which I think is the closest match to what you have. It is British Dragon Oxanabol / Oxandrolone. Like others said, British Dragon is gone, and has been for some time, so unless they are very old they have to be fakes. I would toss them or give them back and tell your friend what you learned here. Oxandrolone is Anavar. Anavar is one of the most fakes steroids out there, so beware.

View attachment 562795
A bing image search provided me with this, which I think is the closest match to what you have. It is British Dragon Oxanabol / Oxandrolone. Like others said, British Dragon is gone, and has been for some time, so unless they are very old they have to be fakes. I would toss them or give them back and tell your friend what you learned here. Oxandrolone is Anavar. Anavar is one of the most fakes steroids out there, so beware.

View attachment 562795

Bing? Is that like Netscape? :-)