I have done zero cardio... just lift heavy
I started this carb cycle in January. After reading many articles on it i decided to follow a high, zero, moderate, zero, high, zero, moderate carb cycle. Im lifting on two of the high and one of the moderate days. leaves me with the zero days after lifting. Any how. here are my stats and what i eat.
29yrs old. 211lbs 5'11'' BF is 20~25%
All food is measured and weighed on a scale!
HIGH carbs low fat
1. 1 cup oats, 8 egg whites (cooked in EVOO), 8oz OJ, multi, fish oil
2. 5oz chicken breast, spinach salad, vinaigrette dressing, 3 slices ezekiel bread
3. 5oz chicken breast, spinach salad, vinaigrette dressing, 150g brown rice, fish oil
PRE GYM: medium banana, 1 scoop whey, creatine mono, 1 scoop Jack3ed
LIFT: 5x5 type workout (squat, bench, row) or (squat, overhead press, dead lift)
POST: 1.5 scoop whey, creatine mono, 16oz low fat chocolate milk
4. 6oz ground turkey 93/7, spinach salad, 150g brown rice, multi, fish oil
Before bed: 1 scoop casien, 1 cup FF cottage cheese, 8:1 BCAA
ZERO carbs higher fat
1. 3 whole eggs, 5 whites (cooked in EVOO), multi, fish oil
2. 5oz chicken, spinach salad, Vinaigrette dressing, 1.2oz almonds
3. 5oz chicken, spinach salad, Vinaigrette dressing, 1.2oz almonds, fish oil
4. 1.5 scoops whey, creatine
5. 6oz ground turkey, spinach salad, vinaigrette dressing, EVOO, multi, fish oil
Before bed: 1 scoop casien, 1 cup FF cottage cheese, 2tbsp peanut butter, 8:1 BCAA
Moderate carbs
1. 2 slices ezekiel bread, 2 whole eggs, 6 egg whites (cooked in EVOO), multi, fish oil
2. 5oz chicken breast, spinach salad, vinaigrette dressing
3. 5oz chicken breast, spinach salad, vinaigrette dressing, 150g brown rice, fish oil
PRE GYM: Medium banana, 1 scoop whey, creatine mono, 1 scoop Jack3ed
LIFT: 5x5 type workout (squat, bench, row) or (squat, overhead press, dead lift)
POST: 1.5 scoop whey, creatine mono, 16oz low fat chocolate milk
4. 6oz ground turkey 93/7, spinach salad, 150g brown rice, multi, fish oil
Before bed: 1 scoop casien, 1 cup FF cottage cheese, 8:1 BCAA
My weight has stayed at 209~212lbs and i have lost 2 inches from around my belly button doing zero cardio. My traps and back have gained thickness. My strength has never been better. I have set so many new PRs its crazy. My bench has skyrocketed and so has my over all raw grip strength. So do i continue to reap the benefits of this new strength or do i go to a flat line diet with set daily calories? I have no problem eating the same shit day in and day out.
I also have liquid clen, i can tolerate it much much better than eca! Hurt, help?
I started this carb cycle in January. After reading many articles on it i decided to follow a high, zero, moderate, zero, high, zero, moderate carb cycle. Im lifting on two of the high and one of the moderate days. leaves me with the zero days after lifting. Any how. here are my stats and what i eat.
29yrs old. 211lbs 5'11'' BF is 20~25%
All food is measured and weighed on a scale!
HIGH carbs low fat
1. 1 cup oats, 8 egg whites (cooked in EVOO), 8oz OJ, multi, fish oil
2. 5oz chicken breast, spinach salad, vinaigrette dressing, 3 slices ezekiel bread
3. 5oz chicken breast, spinach salad, vinaigrette dressing, 150g brown rice, fish oil
PRE GYM: medium banana, 1 scoop whey, creatine mono, 1 scoop Jack3ed
LIFT: 5x5 type workout (squat, bench, row) or (squat, overhead press, dead lift)
POST: 1.5 scoop whey, creatine mono, 16oz low fat chocolate milk
4. 6oz ground turkey 93/7, spinach salad, 150g brown rice, multi, fish oil
Before bed: 1 scoop casien, 1 cup FF cottage cheese, 8:1 BCAA
ZERO carbs higher fat
1. 3 whole eggs, 5 whites (cooked in EVOO), multi, fish oil
2. 5oz chicken, spinach salad, Vinaigrette dressing, 1.2oz almonds
3. 5oz chicken, spinach salad, Vinaigrette dressing, 1.2oz almonds, fish oil
4. 1.5 scoops whey, creatine
5. 6oz ground turkey, spinach salad, vinaigrette dressing, EVOO, multi, fish oil
Before bed: 1 scoop casien, 1 cup FF cottage cheese, 2tbsp peanut butter, 8:1 BCAA
Moderate carbs
1. 2 slices ezekiel bread, 2 whole eggs, 6 egg whites (cooked in EVOO), multi, fish oil
2. 5oz chicken breast, spinach salad, vinaigrette dressing
3. 5oz chicken breast, spinach salad, vinaigrette dressing, 150g brown rice, fish oil
PRE GYM: Medium banana, 1 scoop whey, creatine mono, 1 scoop Jack3ed
LIFT: 5x5 type workout (squat, bench, row) or (squat, overhead press, dead lift)
POST: 1.5 scoop whey, creatine mono, 16oz low fat chocolate milk
4. 6oz ground turkey 93/7, spinach salad, 150g brown rice, multi, fish oil
Before bed: 1 scoop casien, 1 cup FF cottage cheese, 8:1 BCAA
My weight has stayed at 209~212lbs and i have lost 2 inches from around my belly button doing zero cardio. My traps and back have gained thickness. My strength has never been better. I have set so many new PRs its crazy. My bench has skyrocketed and so has my over all raw grip strength. So do i continue to reap the benefits of this new strength or do i go to a flat line diet with set daily calories? I have no problem eating the same shit day in and day out.
I also have liquid clen, i can tolerate it much much better than eca! Hurt, help?