My carb cycle. Keep or dump it?


New member
I have done zero cardio... just lift heavy

I started this carb cycle in January. After reading many articles on it i decided to follow a high, zero, moderate, zero, high, zero, moderate carb cycle. Im lifting on two of the high and one of the moderate days. leaves me with the zero days after lifting. Any how. here are my stats and what i eat.

29yrs old. 211lbs 5'11'' BF is 20~25%

All food is measured and weighed on a scale!

HIGH carbs low fat
1. 1 cup oats, 8 egg whites (cooked in EVOO), 8oz OJ, multi, fish oil
2. 5oz chicken breast, spinach salad, vinaigrette dressing, 3 slices ezekiel bread
3. 5oz chicken breast, spinach salad, vinaigrette dressing, 150g brown rice, fish oil
PRE GYM: medium banana, 1 scoop whey, creatine mono, 1 scoop Jack3ed
LIFT: 5x5 type workout (squat, bench, row) or (squat, overhead press, dead lift)
POST: 1.5 scoop whey, creatine mono, 16oz low fat chocolate milk
4. 6oz ground turkey 93/7, spinach salad, 150g brown rice, multi, fish oil
Before bed: 1 scoop casien, 1 cup FF cottage cheese, 8:1 BCAA

ZERO carbs higher fat
1. 3 whole eggs, 5 whites (cooked in EVOO), multi, fish oil
2. 5oz chicken, spinach salad, Vinaigrette dressing, 1.2oz almonds
3. 5oz chicken, spinach salad, Vinaigrette dressing, 1.2oz almonds, fish oil
4. 1.5 scoops whey, creatine
5. 6oz ground turkey, spinach salad, vinaigrette dressing, EVOO, multi, fish oil
Before bed: 1 scoop casien, 1 cup FF cottage cheese, 2tbsp peanut butter, 8:1 BCAA

Moderate carbs
1. 2 slices ezekiel bread, 2 whole eggs, 6 egg whites (cooked in EVOO), multi, fish oil
2. 5oz chicken breast, spinach salad, vinaigrette dressing
3. 5oz chicken breast, spinach salad, vinaigrette dressing, 150g brown rice, fish oil
PRE GYM: Medium banana, 1 scoop whey, creatine mono, 1 scoop Jack3ed
LIFT: 5x5 type workout (squat, bench, row) or (squat, overhead press, dead lift)
POST: 1.5 scoop whey, creatine mono, 16oz low fat chocolate milk
4. 6oz ground turkey 93/7, spinach salad, 150g brown rice, multi, fish oil
Before bed: 1 scoop casien, 1 cup FF cottage cheese, 8:1 BCAA

My weight has stayed at 209~212lbs and i have lost 2 inches from around my belly button doing zero cardio. My traps and back have gained thickness. My strength has never been better. I have set so many new PRs its crazy. My bench has skyrocketed and so has my over all raw grip strength. So do i continue to reap the benefits of this new strength or do i go to a flat line diet with set daily calories? I have no problem eating the same shit day in and day out.

I also have liquid clen, i can tolerate it much much better than eca! Hurt, help?
Dude, if it aint broke, don't try to fix it!! Stick w/ it a little longer. Especially w/ summer right around the corner. The diet looks very solid & clean. Impressive results w/ no cardio!!
Thank you sir. I am now 207 and losing. I did 30 LISS cardio on my day off but diet stayed the same. I have lowered my post work out sugar to just 8oz chocolate milk and a few less carbs here and there. I will keep updating as changes happen.
Injured my shoulder about two weeks ago. Donno what was causing the pain, could have been the bicep or pec.. My chiropractor tore me up these past two weeks. I mostly stuck to squats and pulls while it healed.

Any how in am now 200 nude on my bathroom scale and 202 on the gym scale. So its safe to say ive lost 10 pounds. Still without the cardio. Im still benching my old max and grip strength is great on deads and rack pulls.
My weight has stayed at 209~212lbs and i have lost 2 inches from around my belly button doing zero cardio. My traps and back have gained thickness. My strength has never been better. I have set so many new PRs its crazy. My bench has skyrocketed and so has my over all raw grip strength. So do i continue to reap the benefits of this new strength or do i go to a flat line diet with set daily calories? I have no problem eating the same shit day in and day out

Looks like you are doing great on the current plan.

If things have been working out that good, why change? Stick with what is working!
Hey crash,

Im sure the maximus protol is helping as well. Just started on danazol again.

My goal is fat loss and sparing as much lean mass as possible. Zero loss in strength so far, its better than when i ate dirty.
Hey crash,

Im sure the maximus protol is helping as well. Just started on danazol again.

My goal is fat loss and sparing as much lean mass as possible. Zero loss in strength so far, its better than when i ate dirty.

No, you need to do better than "fat loss and sparing lean mass..."

What does that mean for you? You need to be specific. Lay out your end point (where you want to be in a defined point in time) and figure out what you are going to be measuring along the way to assess your progress and help you decide what is working and what needs to be changed.

Without a better articulation than "fat loss and sparing lean mass..." you are shooting in the dark.
I would like to have a defined back and abs. So a goal would be a body fat in the low teens. I have been measuring my inches around my belly button and so far i have lost 4 total from this area alone.

I have a party to attend in late April. It would be nice to shock a few old friends with a new lean look. After the lean down i would like to bulk clean for some size before i turn 30 on August 27th.
just checking in...

The scale said i was 195.4 this morning. I started in on an ECA stack 3x a day along with some Jack3d (dmaa) pre workout. man im so drained I have been getting amazing sleep!

I kind of strayed away from the carb cycle. I am eating around 2000-2300 calories a day now but I just adjust the fats and carbs around workout days. If I train, I will eat more carbs per meal, If I rest I will eat more fats keeping protein high.

strength is still really good! I lift 3 times a week with very little almost non existent cardio. my schedule is a push day, pull day, and then legs with additional core, trap, rear delt work.

I find that if I eat a big meal in the morning around 600 calories then a bunch of smaller meals (around 7) I have much better energy.

here is a sample of what I ate yesterday on a lift day.

Meal 1: i scoop whey, 1/2 cup raw oats, 2 slices ezekiel toast, 6 egg whites, 1/2 tbsp evoo, fist full of raw spinach.

Meal 2: spinach salad, 5oz chicken.

Meal 3. 4.5oz pouch of sweet spicy tuna

Meal 4: 5oz chicken breast, 100g brown rice

Meal 5: 1 scoop whey, 1 banana (pre lifting)

Meal 6: 1 scoop whey, 1 scoop casien (post lifting)

Meal 7: 6oz chicken breast, 2 small zucchinis (baked), 2 slices ezekiel toast.

Meal 8: 1 scoop casien, 1/2 cup cottage cheese (before bed)

according to this app on my iphone it was just under 2300 calories.

300g protein, 180g carb, 40g fats.


52%, 32%, 16%
just checking in...

I had to drop the ECA it was really screwing me up. I doubt i saw any benefit from it since i would only take it while i was at work. The aspirin started to upset my stomach as well. Its been two weeks without it and i feel much better. It must have been drying me out because my muscles looks so flat and i actually lost strength. I immediately gained back 3lbs, muscle fullness, and strength after stopping ECA.

I weighed in at 188.4 this morning! I am still not incorporating cardio, because im lazy. I have tightened the belt on my diet even more. I am eating exactly 50% protein, 30% carbs, and 20% fats. in the range of 2000-2300 depending on lifting or non lifting days.

I no longer do a 5x5 but still work out 3 days a week. I have a pull day, push day, and legs with arms to round out the week. Yard work and staying active on my weekends does the trick.