my current diet. let me know if i need to change anything


New member
have a good metabolism so im not really trying to cut. if anything i want to bulk. input encouraged.

160 lbs
5 11
18 yrs
not on cycle

---- wake up, meal 1 ----
oatmeal w/ brown sugar (i cant eat oatmeal plain blah)
3 whole eggs w/ picante sauce

---- meal 2 ----
protien shake 46g protein

---- meal 3 ----
2 boneless skinnless chicken tenderloin 34g protein
can of mixed veggies
sandwich w/ mustard, lots of turkey

---- meal 4, post workout ----
protein shake 46g protein

---- meal 5 ----
2 boneless skinnless chicken tenderloins 68g protein
glass of milk
(ok i know this isnt the only thing i eat for dinner but i cant think of what else so think of something to put here, thanks)

also does anyone drink 'Ensure' for calories? my roomate (sup daniel) drinks it and i was wondering about it.

total protien ---> ~240 grams
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What are you making your protein shakes with?
Are you adding any good fats to your diet such as Flax oil or better yet Udo's oil?
If not, I would suggest adding in a couple of tablespoons of Udo's oil in your daily intake.
You don't have many complex carbs in there. I'd add in some sweet potatoes or regular potatoes or you can add in some rice as well.
If you want to get rid of the sugar in your oatmeal, try adding some splenda and some cinnamon instead of the sugar. :)
ok thanks alot

i just mix over the counter whey. nothing special. 2 scoops
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Dont take straight whey by itself save for your post workout, although if you want to be anal it should be delivered with a high glycemic index carb (dextrose/maltodextrin etc).

If you want to gain weight, eat over maintenance. Count your maintenance and add 500-1000 calories over that.