My Cutting/Lean mass cycle.

Kurdish Pitbull

Those who face death
Was wondering if you guys could give me some tips about what you think.

I am 22, 5'11", 190 pounds,been training a long time. Dont know my bf% but its not too high I would guess around 14% (some lower abdominal fat). I know I am on the younger end of things but I went through puberty well before my buddys lol so Im a mature 22.

My goals are to gain lean muscle mass while reducing body fat by diet and getting an overall more cut look.


1-10 2amp/500mg Sustanon 250(twice per week)
1-4 150mg Oral Primobolan. Every day/Once a day
5-10 60mg Oral Winstrol. Every day/Once or twice a day (Was thinking twice per day, 9 hours apart)
1-10 .25 or .50 Arimadex ( I know the primo and winny wont aromatize so maybe .25mg is enough? I could adjust accordingly)


Nolva 40/40/20/20
clomid 75 or 50/50/50/50
No Hcg this time.
Might bridge with some pharma Gh

I am expecting lean muscle and strength gains from the Test and Primo. And hardness from the winny, which I hope will dry me out at the end of my cycle and give definition to my physique.All my gear is pharma grade.

Diet:super clean, consists of lean meats, Complex carbs fruits and veggies.

Supps:Musclepharms Arnold series Multivitamin,Protein and pre workout.Milk Thistle

Training:4 days a week lifting and 30mins cardio,3 days a week I do muay thai, and 2 days a week I do intense cardio or crossfit.

Sorry for the essay.looking forward to hearing from you guys.I will be posting my cycle and progress/pics.
Still too young to be messing with juice but if your gonna do it.

2 orals back to back in a 10 week run = bad idea you should have minimum 4-6 weeks between running orals
Oral primo is a very bad choice for your goals, oral primo imo is awesome for women but to be effective for a man you would need to take a very large dose over a long period of time which would be extremely hard on the liver. There are much better options like TBol or Anavar.

As far as goals go, pick one. You either want to gain mass or cut not both unless your going for a full body recomp and that would be a lot longer than 10 weeks.

What is your cycle history? I am guessing this is not your first cycle.

What pharmacy grade lab makes oral primo?
Was wondering if you guys could give me some tips about what you think.

I am 22, 5'11", 190 pounds,been training a long time. Dont know my bf% but its not too high I would guess around 14% (some lower abdominal fat)

My goals are to gain lean muscle mass while reducing body fat by diet and getting an overall more cut look.

Diet:super clean, consists of lean meats, Complex carbs fruits and veggies.

What I think? Hmm.

-You're young and don't need AAS to achieve what you're after.
-Your training routine(s) are not as effective as they could be.
-IF your diet is really "super clean" you are over eating to be sitting at 14% bf, 22 years old and training that frequently.

My two cents.
Hey Kaz, I appreciate the feedback. I had initially planned a break inbetween the orals but from what I understand oral primo is virtually non heptoxic and my cycle length isnt so long.I also know that primo is a very mild steroid but 150mgs daily is a high dose. I also dont see why I cant gain muscle and cut at the same time....Seeing as I will be taking a good amount of test and excercising (gain) and dieting (caloric deficit) with primo to maintain muscle while doing so. Should I just drop the primo?
Hey buddy, thanks for the reply. I know I am considered to young to juice but the results I am after cannot be acheived naturally and like I said I matured much earlier than my white buddies lol at least im being more responsible than these 17yos popping dbols only cycles for weeks on training is on point and I can gain weight easily, people even accused me of juicing before but I cannot "cut" or acheive a ripped look .My diet is pretty good so I may have been incorrect about the bf% just a bit to grab on the lower stomach id have to measure with calipers. And yes I definately overeat.I can eat healthy but will not portion lol I load up the plate with rice and will eat a few chicken breasts.From what I can see in in your avatar id say thats where im at right now naturally. looking to look like van damme in his prime.
Personally I would drop the primo, when I say pick a goal sure gaining while remaining lean is fine but in a 10 week cycle your best to maximize either a lean bulk or a cut not both. I just don't want you to go into it thinking your going to gain 20 lbs and drop 3-4% BF in 10 weeks as most people think will happen.