My cycle advice? Gtg?


New member
Stats age 21 5 11" 190 14% bf, first steriod cycle but have done a couple ph cycles in past, been training for 4 years

Weeks 1-4 300 mg test e/ 50 mg dbol Ed
Weeks 5-10 test prop 100 mg eod
Weeks 6-10 50 mg strambofert( bp winny) Ed

Pct nolva 40/40/20/20 with kreaklayne and DAA

Any advice besides age? I know in some opinions I'm too young but I'm gonna do it anyway, so any advice is greatly appreciatedkk
your not running an AI? arimidex would be good to add 0.5mg eod specially since your running test and dbol! they both aromitize and dbol easily aggrevates gyno in some people.