My Cycle And 4 Questions. Please Critique

Hello all
I'm planning 12 weeks aas cycle for Lean Mass. Last cycle was 500 sust+ 600 primo.
My body is too tend to gynecomastia!!!!
Training experience 13 years.
32 years old
168 cm/5.5 feet
80 kg
bf:%17-18 (i have abdominal fat mostly like a normal weight obese)
I did start to use minoxidil %5 + nizoral shampoo for hair loss about 1 year ago
Planning This Cycle (3rd)
Week 1-12: Test Propionate ………………………500 mg/week (125mg EOD)
Week 1-12: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate…400mg/week (100mg EOD)
Week 1-12: Salbutamol……………………………..20mg/day (with ketotifen 1mg/day)
Week 1-12: Arimidex ………………………………….0,5mg (Every Other Day)
Week 1-12: HCG ……………………………………….500 iu (Monday and Thursday 250 iu x2)
Week 13: HCG.....................................1000 iu (Monday and Thursday 500 iu x2)
Week 13: Arimidex................................0,5mg (ED)
PCT (5 days after last injection):
Week 1-5: Clomid: 100+100+50+50+50 mg
Week 1-5: Nolvadex : 40+40+20+20+20 mg

1- If i use decatonate ester, instead of Phenylpropionate, is water retention will be too much?

2- This is my first short ester cycle and as you know both drugs need to be EOD. But if i do EOD, how do i calculate 500 and 400mgs/week in total (i cant reach 500 and 400mg in total in every other week)

3- Which supplemental (or drug) supports should i add for keep my gains and restart HPTA? Zinc and tribulus, another?????

4- My country’s customs are very strict now, bcs of that i can’t buy Ostarine, GW-501516 etc. So do i “really” need them for PCT?
1. - the phenylpropianate is a much better choice, it kicks in faster and you'll get more out of your 12 week cycle with it then the deca.

2. - just do the math . 100mg of NPP EOD = 350mg per week. 125mg of test EOD = 437mg per week. if you want your weekly dosages higher then bump up your EOD injections, and multiply by 3.5 to find the weekly average.

3.- the only thing you need to maintain your gains after your cycle is FOOD , lots of it , and heavy intense training. OTC supplements aren't the answer

4.- You would not want to take those drugs or SARMS in PCT anyways
Thanks for sharing your stats, hows that hair loss shampoo working out?

1. - the phenylpropianate is a much better choice, it kicks in faster and you'll get more out of your 12 week cycle with it then the deca.

2. - just do the math . 100mg of NPP EOD = 350mg per week. 125mg of test EOD = 437mg per week. if you want your weekly dosages higher then bump up your EOD injections, and multiply by 3.5 to find the weekly average.

3.- the only thing you need to maintain your gains after your cycle is FOOD , lots of it , and heavy intense training. OTC supplements aren't the answer

4.- You would not want to take those drugs or SARMS in PCT anyways

@Milton: Actually Nizoral shampoo is not for a hair loss but its help to decreases DHT. But my English not soo good to detailed explanation sorry :)

@ Roush: Thanks for your help :)
@Milton: Actually Nizoral shampoo is not for a hair loss but its help to decreases DHT. But my English not soo good to detailed explanation sorry :)

@ Roush: Thanks for your help :)

i use Nizoral to wash my back and shoulders if acne breaks out , works great
By the way, what do you think about trenbolone acetate (or another short ester drug) instead of NPP? , Bcs, i just talk to my "friend" and i think he can not find find NPP to me :(

Tren Ace is my favorite compound . its completely fine to run Tren Ace instead of NPP . how many cycles have you ran thus far? there are a few different sides between npp and tren though
Tren Ace is my favorite compound . its completely fine to run Tren Ace instead of NPP . how many cycles have you ran thus far? there are a few different sides between npp and tren though

This will be my 3rd cycle (actually 4th but one of my cycles was fake gear :() So. i will do like this:

Test propionate..........150 mg EOD Q: if i take 100 mg test instead of 150, is this dose too low for my level or purpose???
Tren Acetate..............75 mg EOD
Plus others that i write abobe
This will be my 3rd cycle (actually 4th but one of my cycles was fake gear :() So. i will do like this:

Test propionate..........150 mg EOD Q: if i take 100 mg test instead of 150, is this dose too low for my level or purpose???
Tren Acetate..............75 mg EOD
Plus others that i write abobe

with Tren i like to run a low dose of test . so going down to 100mg Eod of the prop would be just fine, you'll get less sides with a lower dose of test in there.

to put it in perspective of how low you can go with test and be just fine on Tren , I've ran tren like this
50mg Eod test
100mg Eod tren
and had very few sides.

But , its going to depend on your goals for this cycle . If your wanting to put on a bit more size and don't mind some bloat , then higher test is better. if your wanting to stay lean and dry, then low test is better with higher tren.
Welcome to the board. Very good first post. Giving your stats and your cycle outline is what we wish everyone would do.

Please remember the only way to keep gains is to keep eating and training as hard as you were on cycle to the BEST of your ability. Also don't get confused as to losing weight due to water or fat. those big 15, 20,25 lbs gains are mostly the fluids. A guy can only gain 15-20 of LEAN MM in a year not one cycle.
Adex should be run up to PCT

Good luck
I would either stop the npp at week 10-11 or extend prop to week 12...

why? extend test by two weeks? nPP and test prop clear the system in similar 48 hour periods. why keep taking test two weeks longer then NPP??
your just delaying starting PCT by running test longer for new good anabolic reasons
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why? extend test by two weeks? nPP and test prop clear the system in similar 48 hour periods. why keep taking test two weeks longer then NPP??
your just delaying starting PCT by running test longer for new good anabolic reasons

this is actually untrue
phenylpropionate is longer than propionate
but 19 nors have metabolites that stick around a little after the ester clears
atleast 1 week difference