My Dbol Cycle Help !!!!!!


New member
Hey guys Im currently going to be starting my Dbol cycle Heres how its going to look like

1-4 25mg Dbol ED
1-4 Aromasin Not sure about the dose
1-4 N2 Guard
5-8 Nolvadex 20/20/20/20

I currently weigh about 180 My calorie intake will be 3100 and was wondering if anyone recommends taking hcg on this cycle ?
Uhhhhh, yea, well,,,,,,,, really going to need a little more then will be hit with a sticky pretty soon to read. Just wait, it's coming brother:) good info. Check it out
You shouldn't do that. Have you conaidered that your clitoris may enlarge? Your voice may deepen. Your jawline could harden. More facial hair.

Dbol is a bad choice for a woman. Be careful with the AI too. Women need lots of estradiol. You should be able to skip the PCT too. Your ovaries should be just fine.

Save the dbol for your boyfriend or husband. Just make sure that he isn't stupid and tries to run it by itself. Tell him that he has to run it with a base of injectable testosterone. Test has to be the base of every cycle. The dbol shuts down male's natty test production. So unless they inject it back into themselves they will be hypogonadal while running the dbol. Tell him he wouldn't want that to happen to him.
Alright what are your guys thoughts on my current cycle if I did this ?

terrible. That's the worst cycle and pct ever. And you don't even know how to dose your ai. First you need a test base. Do your research before you even start this cycle. Your gonna need test, hcg, clomid. Do some research man. Your current cycle is terrible.
Listen to everyone and read the - Sticky section - at the top of the forum.

The first cycle should always be testosterone and only testosterone... other
than an AI, hCG and your PCT.

The cycle you have posted would be more helpful to save it for later (if you already have it) - if there was a choice
between running that cycle or flushing it down the toilet... you would be better off flushing it!

That's good you are here asking questions... just do a little homework in the sticky section - then come back and
let us know what you have come up with.
I currently Weight 180 pounds height is 6'1 Ive been training for 5 months now I know its to early for a cycle but still choosing to do it. I am currently 20 I know im also to young ..
I currently Weight 180 pounds height is 6'1 Ive been training for 5 months now I know its to early for a cycle but still choosing to do it. I am currently 20 I know im also to young ..

You have officially been lead to water, whether you drink or not is on you. Good luck
I currently Weight 180 pounds height is 6'1 Ive been training for 5 months now I know its to early for a cycle but still choosing to do it. I am currently 20 I know im also to young ..

You really should not run a cycle for so many reasons.

- Lack of knowledge.
- Brain/Endocrine system still developing.
- You are tiny! You need to learn how to eat.
- You have barely trained at all. You will very likely injure your joints/connective tissue.
- You should be able to put 30 pounds on Natty in no time at all.

Read the following thread please for more information on why cycling at a young age is not advised.