My Diet...I must Need More Calories..

Deep South Chris

the one and only BEACH
ok, im getting ready to start some gear, post in anabolic forum about it...
but ive been preping to get in routine brfore i start on a strict diet
i want the gains, but dont want the fat...which im seeing is hard when bulking..anyway heres my routine and schedual

m-f i work 8-5 and gym from 7:30/8:00 - 10pm

wake up:

about 7:30am
2 servings oatmeal with 1 scoup protein
5 egg whites
protein shake

8 oz lean skinless chicken breast
baked potato with light sour creame and cheese

12:00 Noon
protein shake

8 oz lean skinless chicken breast
baked potato with light sour creame and cheese

8 oz lean skinless chicken breast

protein shake
Nap from about 6:00pm till 7:30/8:00pm

protein shake
head to gym from 8:00 till 10:00

home from gym
protein shake
Either 1lb of lean steak or salmon
2 servings oatmeal

then I shower and usually have either 1 more shake or a peanut butter sandwich...then sleep by 11:30

after all this i still seam hungry and faint...calories..carbs...what should i get more of...and what sources to try and keep it clean as possible

thanks in advance!
Total Cals?

Honestly, at 160lbs, the last thing you need is gear. Get your diet in order and you could easily pack on a ton of muscle.
I thinkj you should worry more of protein and not of cals b/c that was they way i thought and then i ended up with bf that is messing with me. just worry about the protein and get good carbs and watch your sugars. especially at night
Vigilance said:
Total Cals?

Honestly, at 160lbs, the last thing you need is gear. Get your diet in order and you could easily pack on a ton of muscle. 5' 6 im pretty solid for my size and ive cycled before and gains were amazing..but unfortunatly i was injured (not gym related) then had wisdom teeth removed..and was unable to train for a while..

and dre, im getting plenty of protein more than enough...but im asking where i can get good calories from that arnt crap source as ex. junk food
Chicken breast is roughly 66% water (pre-cooked). I think I would starve on that diet.

I was your size a few months ago. Then, I finally added in lots of bread and skim milk, but I cut out 90% of the fat. I've added 20lbs of bulk since, but very little if any of that has been fat.

For my snack tonight I ate 8 chicken legs. That was about 1.5 hours ago and I'm hungry again. Maybe I'll have a can of tuna. I do try and limit my carbs before bed.

For a long time I was afraid of the carbs because I didn't want to get fat. Now I realize all of the gains I missed because of that worry. Keep away from the simple sugars (except for milk), work hard, stay away from alcohol and you shouldn't gain that much fat, in my opinion.

We're all a bit stubborn when it comes to our diets.
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thanks to all...i used the caloric calculator off this site...added all my #'s up and i was way under the calories i i bought some N-Large to add into the diet too :)