My Dilema, need to start another cycle 5 weeks after pct. is it a good idea


New member
I ran a cycle of dbo 30mg/day, super test (test p and e mix) 400mg/week and 400mg equipoise for about 12 weeks with full pct (nolva and clomid for 4 weeks) I have been done with pct for 4 weeks now. I want to go back on in about a week because I want to get in a short 6-8 week cycle before I get shipped off for work. I will be gone for about 6 months. I was wondering what is the real harm if I start my next cycle. My next cycle will be tren a 300-400mg/week(weeks 3-7), sus250 500mg a week and drol 50mg a day(week1-4). I'm 23, 6"0 220lbs been training 7 years and workout every day. All my hormones seem back to normal, get boners many times a day, my balls are back to normal, got no sides from my cycle or anything. Please let me know what you think
The real harm may be that you have not had enough time for your HPTA and body to recover from the last cycle. You are already pushing it by cycling at too young of an age. Your endocrine system is NOT fully developed yet. So jumping on a cycle again right now will increase the risks of you not being able to fully recover when you come off. Are you prepared to be on TRT for the rest of your life?
most people arent going to recommend this man . rule is time on cycle = time off cycle .. thats for safetyl of returning HPTA back to normal ... yet ur always still taking a risk ... 5 weeks is definetly a short time .. if ur going to start after just 5 weeks doesnt even seem there is a point u go on pct ... just extend the cycle ... many risks man
I'm going to go get bloods done soon and see what comes up, if My hormone levels are off then I will stay off til I come back
I ran a cycle of dbo 30mg/day, super test (test p and e mix) 400mg/week and 400mg equipoise for about 12 weeks with full pct (nolva and clomid for 4 weeks) I have been done with pct for 4 weeks now. I want to go back on in about a week because I want to get in a short 6-8 week cycle before I get shipped off for work. I will be gone for about 6 months. I was wondering what is the real harm if I start my next cycle. My next cycle will be tren a 300-400mg/week(weeks 3-7), sus250 500mg a week and drol 50mg a day(week1-4). I'm 23, 6"0 220lbs been training 7 years and workout every day. All my hormones seem back to normal, get boners many times a day, my balls are back to normal, got no sides from my cycle or anything. Please let me know what you think

Don't workout everyday. Take time off.

Also, starting working out at 16 doesn't count as true experience to anyone. It's like me saying that because I did gymnastics my whole life and now I'm 27 that I've been training for 22 years....
I don't count the working out I did when I was 12-15 years old bc that was nothing but base training with 5lb Dumbbells and barbells with no weight. I do take time off from weight training during the week but I'm still in the gym doing cardio and stretching
He doesn't know everything I just went to an experience user about it and got his input instead of jumping right into the aas game like many kids do. He is currently going threw life problems right now and can't get a hold of him so that's why I came here, I knew that it was a bad idea to start up again this early without bridging but I asked the question to understand the real damages of it because I haven't seen any from any other post...
He doesn't know everything I just went to an experience user about it and got his input instead of jumping right into the aas game like many kids do. He is currently going threw life problems right now and can't get a hold of him so that's why I came here, I knew that it was a bad idea to start up again this early without bridging but I asked the question to understand the real damages of it because I haven't seen any from any other post...

"Life problems" = his dick isn't working. :-)
I don't get how you find one guy that says its ok to use gear at your age then you come on here looking for another guy to pat you on the back and say its ok to keep going. Well, its not. End of discussion. Read and learn about the risks. Go forward with caution. Learn this for yourself, don't go by what one guy said...
I know the risks of them just not the risks of taking them so close together, I have a whole 100 page notebook filled with notes and what each drug does from pct to peptides to anabolics, im pretty sure someone will always have questions on about the subject of aas. All I did was come here for help when my original source went mia and can't find nothing on the subject on google or YouTube. I know these are not toys, I know they are no joke and can leave you messed up. I knew the risks when I took them and I understand the risks when I'm going to take them again. I'm going to wait til I get back from work now which could be over a year now because the damage isn't worth it.
Anything else I need to know on the subject of "why not to hop back on so soon" would like to get some more notes on this if there are any and write them down
Anything else I need to know on the subject of "why not to hop back on so soon" would like to get some more notes on this if there are any and write them down

let me give you insight into my life as a trt patient..

i inject testosterone every monday and thursday

i inject hcg every other day

i take a pill for estrogen control twice a week

i donate blood every 2 months

i give blood for labs ever 3-6 months


if youre ok will all of the above, go ahead and hop back on early and/or keep cycling..

good luck to you!@