My Experience: Clenbuterol vs. ECA


New member
Eight weeks ago I decided I would start to diet and get some muscularity that I have been lacking recently after bulking up. I had used ECA in the past and although it worked really well the people on the different boards had always toted Clen as being better than ECA. I did a little research and found a place to buy it where I was surprised at how cheap it was considering the possible fat burning effects it had. I also bought some Vasopro and Caffeine pills at the same time because the general consensus is that 2 weeks Clen and 2 weeks on ECA is what works. I started taking the Clen at 20mcg/day and increased the dosage by 20mcg each consecutive day. I had finally reached 120mcg/day which is supposed to be the optimal dose but I had very little of the known shakes that everyone talks about. I was surprised at this but decided not to go any higher. For the two weeks on the Clen I noticed more sweating which was very pronounced during cardio vs. the natural cardio done for the previous 4 weeks. I also noticed that my HR was remaining elevated at ~80bpm which is quite high considering that my normal resting HR is ~56bpm. As dumb as it may be I continued to take Clen at this dosage and that fat was definitely melting off as well as a welcomed increase in strength and energy. After 2 weeks I switched to my ECA stack and immediately noticed that my HR was much lower. It is now close to 60bpm and I don't sweat as much. I do like the alertness and clear thinking I get from taking ECA but it also seems to lose its effect quicker because I feel very hungry towards the end of the day. My strength has also decreased somewhat but the fat is still coming off. Overall, I feel that the Clen has worked much better but during the next two weeks when I go back on the Clen I am going to get my BP checked very often as well as this last week on ECA so I can compare the two. I think I covered all the bases but if anyone has any questions then feel free to ask.
It's always good to read others experiences in using the clenbuterol and the ECA stack.
I love the way the two work together but I just can't stand shaking all the time from the Clen. I do agree with the two weeks on Clen, then two weeks on Ephedrine. I don't include the Aspirin in my stack though. I really like ephedrine, caffeine and yohimbine together. Although, it is a very strong stack! I really wish I could find the NYC stack. I hear that is preferred over the ECA stack.
For myself, I preferred the Clenbuterol capsules over the syrup. I just found it a pain in the ass to measure out the doses with the Ventipulmin. :)
The last time I tried to use clen it made me feel very weak and I broke out in cold sweats,this was a new one for me since I have used it before (same brand) and it worked great.I switched to T3 and boy does that ever work well,even at 50 mcg/day,gonna try clen again this spring but will also use T3.ECA works okay but I like it more for the energy boost over anything else.Fyre mentioned NYC,its funny since they say you get less of a stim effect from it but NOTHING gave me more of a boost than the old Syntrax Adipokinetix!!! That stuff was unreal,even one cap and I was jacked for hours.Once I found it out was no longer available I stocked up on AF's NYC before it sold out but it just doesnt have the same effect the Adipo did . All this stuff is great but is still no substitute for a well thought out diet and cardio program.

I would imagine throwing in some yohimbine to a EC stack would be pretty potent. Right now i leave out the yohimbine so i have something to switch over too once i stop EC for a bit. lately i have been taking EC for 1 month then switching over to yoh.(with a few other stims) for the other month and so on and so on. seems to be working good for me, although i plan on trying some clen in the near future
Dude, did you notice considerable shakes for the first 2-3 days on clen. Thats my experience. I feel shaky and wired day 1-3 and then the effects seem to wear off for me.
I don't really get the shakes very bad. If I am in a particular position I will feel my hands or fingers start to shake a little but not very much at all. It feels more like a spasm then anything. I forgot to mention that the Clen gave me some muscle cramping but once I added more sodium and potassium the cramps did not reoccur. I would like to try ECA with yohimbine in the future as I have heard nothing but good results about it. Maybe I will add it in with my last round of ECA. Do you think Yohimbine would do any good while using Clen as well? The one thing I like about Clen over ECA is that I don't get mood swings as bad and I become much stronger in the gym. Oh and the liquid is a pain in the ass as well as the Nolvadex liquid. I'm taking Nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct) right now after a M1t/M5AA stack and it never stays mixed.
Anyone cycled Clen and T-Rex in alternating 2-weeks before?
personally i would not use yohimbine with clen at the same time......yoh increases heart rate considerably and i would think both together would be too much of a strain on the ole ticker. save the yoh for the off time from clen
well, my HR is normall around 60, on clen 120mcg/day it was about 80... i know LOTS of fatass's that have normal HR's of 100... so im sure if fatass's can do it, a healthy heart can do it...
nabiller said:
well, my HR is normall around 60, on clen 120mcg/day it was about 80... i know LOTS of fatass's that have normal HR's of 100... so im sure if fatass's can do it, a healthy heart can do it...

well then, all the power to you