Eight weeks ago I decided I would start to diet and get some muscularity that I have been lacking recently after bulking up. I had used ECA in the past and although it worked really well the people on the different boards had always toted Clen as being better than ECA. I did a little research and found a place to buy it where I was surprised at how cheap it was considering the possible fat burning effects it had. I also bought some Vasopro and Caffeine pills at the same time because the general consensus is that 2 weeks Clen and 2 weeks on ECA is what works. I started taking the Clen at 20mcg/day and increased the dosage by 20mcg each consecutive day. I had finally reached 120mcg/day which is supposed to be the optimal dose but I had very little of the known shakes that everyone talks about. I was surprised at this but decided not to go any higher. For the two weeks on the Clen I noticed more sweating which was very pronounced during cardio vs. the natural cardio done for the previous 4 weeks. I also noticed that my HR was remaining elevated at ~80bpm which is quite high considering that my normal resting HR is ~56bpm. As dumb as it may be I continued to take Clen at this dosage and that fat was definitely melting off as well as a welcomed increase in strength and energy. After 2 weeks I switched to my ECA stack and immediately noticed that my HR was much lower. It is now close to 60bpm and I don't sweat as much. I do like the alertness and clear thinking I get from taking ECA but it also seems to lose its effect quicker because I feel very hungry towards the end of the day. My strength has also decreased somewhat but the fat is still coming off. Overall, I feel that the Clen has worked much better but during the next two weeks when I go back on the Clen I am going to get my BP checked very often as well as this last week on ECA so I can compare the two. I think I covered all the bases but if anyone has any questions then feel free to ask.