My First Cycle (And Intro)


New member
I'm deciding to dive into the anabolic world and take control of my own body, I really enjoy open and direct people with some humor and I'm down to become an active member of this community and I've been lifting for around 2 years (I'm 18) and I am FULLY aware of the potential pros and cons.

I talked with my doctor about it and he's given me the green light for saying 250mg a week of Test E won't fuck me up.
I've decided to just do a really simple 10-12 week cycle of Test E @250mg a week

I'm really not as interested in being huge, it's more of a combo of all the physiological and psychological benefits.
Any advice for after the cycle is over and getting my natural T back to normal?
Would be much appreciated![/CENTER]
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Hey Nicky! No, I'm implying I talked to my Doctor about me self administering myself the T.

Is 250 not enough? Any Guidance is Appreciated. I just wanted to use Test alone for my first time.
250 mg/wk is barely more than you make naturally, so will be very mediocre / lackluster as far as a cycle, and will still shut you down 100% - so has lots of potential for bad sides.

At 18 you should not be thinking about this, because I can tell you with confidence that you don't understand the cons. You are not wired yet in your brain, and have no life experiences of living with something permanently degraded to have a basis to understand.
I'm deciding to dive into the anabolic world and take control of my own body, I really enjoy open and direct people with some humor and I'm down to become an active member of this community and I've been lifting for around 2 years (I'm 18) and I am FULLY aware of the potential pros and cons.

I talked with my doctor about it and he's given me the green light for saying 250mg a week of Test E won't fuck me up.
I've decided to just do a really simple 10-12 week cycle of Test E @250mg a week

I'm really not as interested in being huge, it's more of a combo of all the physiological and psychological benefits.
Any advice for after the cycle is over and getting my natural T back to normal?
Would be much appreciated![/CENTER]

]................ OMG...........

Sincerely this is wrong.

Just back off hold on wait a while here and stay with use so you will know yourself what's up and why. READ all the sticky threads found where you came in to start your thread. Learn all the side effects and none are good for a teenager that is still in some form of puberty and growth. That growth is not confined to height.

At your age this is Russian Roulette for you. Many have had no problems , ha, but many have had big repercosions

Please read up and good luck
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At 18, all you need is a good diet bud. 250mgs of test really is a waste of the effort. Your natural test should be at an all time high. Why go fucking around with it over a dose that will put you right around the same level???
At 18 years old you are not likely to get great cycling advice here. Pretty much everyone here is into safe use of hormones......and any use at age 18 is definitely not safe. Best advice you're likely to get will be of the dieting variety. EAT A TON OF CLEAN HEALTHY FOOD. Please abandon your plans to do what you've said in your post and just EAT EAT EAT and lift heavy as hell.
See a doctor and only use testosterone at your age if you have low natural testosterone levels.
Good luck bro
250 mg/wk is barely more than you make naturally, so will be very mediocre / lackluster as far as a cycle, and will still shut you down 100% - so has lots of potential for bad sides.

At 18 you should not be thinking about this, because I can tell you with confidence that you don't understand the cons. You are not wired yet in your brain, and have no life experiences of living with something permanently degraded to have a basis to understand.

I thought men naturally produce around 100 mg a week at the high end? If so, enanthate ester is 70 mg active T per 100, so shouldn't 250 mg be almost double high-end natty?
That would be like comparing 87 octane vs 93 octane in a regular domestic car. Not very noticeable...

Yeah, in a regular low compression engine the 93 octane would give you a very small and imperceptible loss of power, perhaps -0.5%. Higher octane gas has a slightly slower flame front velocity, in a lower compression engine that will give a bit less power. The only way to make more power is higher compression, I think very few people understand that.