My first cycle, expected gains. please critique any wrong doing.


New member
Hi, thanks for checking out my post, and any comments would be great. Im new to the forum.
ill start with my stats:

Age: 29
Weight: 211
Height: 6'3"
BF%: 12.9

Diet is close to this:
3500-4000 cals
about 230-250g protien
about 250-300g carbs

Alot of chicken, salomon. I can get more in depth if needed.

Cycle is:
600mg test e ... Pins of 300mg 2 times a week, sun night and thurs morn
30mg dbol on off/or cardio days spread 3 times a day
40mg on lift days 20mg being before workout.

test for 10weeks
dbol 4 weeks

i workout (lift) 4-5 days a week. Feel like i could go everyday, ive just read not to.

I just did my 4th test pin tonight so its only been 2 weeks, i know the test doesnt kick in for 3-4 weeks, i am just wondering what type of gains i could expect out of this cycle. ive searched and read post after post and can not find one with similar stats as mine. Please lmk if i am doing anything incorrect, hopefully not, and what i could be expecting.

Also i havnt gotten my post cycle therapy (pct) down yet and need some advice on the best for me and my cycle to ensure i keep all my gains. So i can get it now and make sure i have it when week 12 rolls around. I have noticed gains already myself, and some bf loss. Others have noticed my size difference.

Thanks for your help, it is appreciated.
Are you running an ai? If not, the size you see may be bloating. I would recommend running the test for 12 weeks and post cycle therapy (pct) weeks 14-18
Clomid 50/50/50/50
You won't start seeing results from the test until at least week 4 IMO. The dbol should be working though, and would certainly cause some bloat. Strength increases should show up by now on that, but if it's under dosed and you literally aren't feeling anything, I'd run the dbol higher.
Thanks for the quick reply, as far as the post cycle therapy (pct) this is exactly what i was going to do. Iam not running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) yet, from what i read you dont need to start one unless signs of gyno pop up, in nipples and what not. Am i wrong, this is the reason i made the post. Id hate to waste gear and time. The gains i have noticed are small, how can you tell the difference between a gain and bloat, is there a way.
Are you running an ai? If not, the size you see may be bloating. I would recommend running the test for 12 weeks and post cycle therapy (pct) weeks 14-18
Clomid 50/50/50/50

You need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for sure. I like Adex at 1/2mg E3D or EOD as needed, but aromasin is just as good.

I know what metalhead meant but if you run test though the end of week 12 and start post cycle therapy (pct) at the beginning of week 14, that's only a 1 week break. You should wait 2 weeks minimum, 15-18 days is better.

Oh, and like he said, 12 weeks min for sure, and post cycle therapy (pct) also like he said
I def feel the dbol working, i have more energy and stregth in the gym has increased. Going higher than 40mg a day isnt bad on first cycle. Plus im already 2 weeks in, would that effect me badly by increasing the dose?
You need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for sure. I like Adex at 1/2mg E3D or EOD as needed, but aromasin is just as good.

I know what metalhead meant but if you run test though the end of week 12 and start post cycle therapy (pct) at the beginning of week 14, that's only a 1 week break. You should wait 2 weeks minimum, 15-18 days is better.

Oh, and like he said, 12 weeks min for sure, and post cycle therapy (pct) also like he said

That's what I meant. Thanks for correcting
You need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for sure. I like Adex at 1/2mg E3D or EOD as needed, but aromasin is just as good.

I know what metalhead meant but if you run test though the end of week 12 and start post cycle therapy (pct) at the beginning of week 14, that's only a 1 week break. You should wait 2 weeks minimum, 15-18 days is better.

Oh, and like he said, 12 weeks min for sure, and post cycle therapy (pct) also like he said

Run the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) through post cycle therapy (pct) or just cycle and when should i start it
Thanks for the quick reply, as far as the post cycle therapy (pct) this is exactly what i was going to do. Iam not running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) yet, from what i read you dont need to start one unless signs of gyno pop up, in nipples and what not. Am i wrong, this is the reason i made the post. Id hate to waste gear and time. The gains i have noticed are small, how can you tell the difference between a gain and bloat, is there a way.

I would personally get on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) asap. I always run one. Better to prevent than cure
I def feel the dbol working, i have more energy and stregth in the gym has increased. Going higher than 40mg a day isnt bad on first cycle. Plus im already 2 weeks in, would that effect me badly by increasing the dose?
If it's working well, I'd say stick with it... You could try increasing it to 60, but some guys find that to be too much. You'd likely experience more bloating and back pumps.
Run the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) through post cycle therapy (pct) or just cycle and when should i start it

Mainly just through your cycle. Might need it a few days or week afterwards, just take it when you feel symptoms, but stop before post cycle therapy (pct).
Mainly just through your cycle. Might need it a few days or week afterwards, just take it when you feel symptoms, but stop before PCT.

This is what ive read, take only if needed. There is absolutly no sign as of now. What would be a for sure sign to start up adex and how will i know its ok to stop, or just continue for remainder of cycle? Thanks for the help
Run your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) through the whole cycle and stop prior to pct as rumpy and metalhead suggested...solid info bro...