My first cycle. Is my bottle legit?


New member
My friend I’ve known since I was 7 sold me my first cycle, a bottle of testosterone. The bottle I got has 10 ml, 500mg of testosterone blend per ml. But it says blend so I don’t know the actual mg of test. Is this common? I can’t imagine him ripping me off but that doesn’t make sense.

Also one other thing. Should I do one injection (1 cc) per week for 10 weeks?

Because my friends saying do it twice a week for 5 weeks but I’ve never heard of a 5 week cycle.
You need the know what type of test it is and what the strengths are before you take anything. You are not ready to use steroids. You have a lot to lear before you are ready.

Welcome to the site . Please be carefull injecting chemicals into your body can kill you. Please tqke the time to learn about what you want to do.

Give us some stats, age weight heigth , training experence. Diet protocol. Planned cycle and post cycle therapy you are planning to get your body to start producing testosterone again.
blend of which tests? how much per week in mgs please. what about an ai? hcg? what does your pct look like? have you read any beginners cycle thread here?
you need to post your stats also, age, weight height bf%, cycle history.
You absolutely do not have what you need for a cycle. One bottle of test is NOT a cycle! Please read the beginner cycle stickies!
Good that you came here to ask questions. As you might have guessed there is a lot to doing a cycle, and a few things more than just a bottle of test are needed.

Read the beginner sticky thread, it explains it all.

And for Test 500, depends on what you have but most search engine hits turned up a blend of five different Test esters. If that's what you have you want to do two injections per week of 250 mg (1/2 cc) each.

Don't start anything until you understand what AI means (arimidex or aromasin), HCG, and PCT - or you will fuck yourself up.
Thank God you came here first. If you go through with your plan or your friends stupid advice then you're fucked. What are your stats? Age, weight, height, bfp, gym and cycle experience? Please please please answer these questions so people can actually help you. You can get all the help you need here.

And first cycle ya say? First cycle should be E or C. Why? So sides are easier to manage and blood levels easier to predict. Can you use a blend? Sure......But I would definitely not, especially if I had no idea what was in the blend. You have no idea how long to wait for pct with a mystery blend. Complete guessing game all the way around.

You need ai for your cycle and pct lined up and in hand for after. HCG is also a great idea while on cycle. Read the first cycle stickies and reply with your stats on this thread. DO NOT do this cycle yet!! You WILL regret it.

One last little you probably now know, one bottle of test is not a cycle. It's a rather small piece of one, even for a beginner. Many people run hcg (and at different doses) , almost everyone runs ai (even before sides show up cuz prevention is better than fighting the sides after they start), personally I run Clomid with my cycles now and would never consider not doing it again. Lots to learn and personal preference will effect the cycle as well. Stick around and learn
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If you can post the Name of the Test.
I can find out what you have.

It could be a Blend of Test C and E.
Or it could be a Blend like Sustanon, with some Short Esters included.

Whichever it is, it's Not enough for your Cycle.
And as already posted.
You haven't mentioned an AI/HCG or PCT.
Read the Sticky on doing a 1st Cycle.

And lastly, what's your Current Stats.
Age/Height/Weight/approx. Body Fat Percent/years Training.
And what's your Goal for this Cycle........................ JP
Eagerly awaiting your reply and I reread your post. Have a feeling you may be too young for this. If you were old enough to meet the minimum safe age for cycling then you would've said "my friend I've known my whole life".....Not "my friend I've known since I was 7". Have you known him 20 years? If're too young bro. Being too young is not a bad thing. It means you are in your hormonal prime and ready to diet and workout your way to one hell of a physique. If you wanna cycle in your late 20s then by then you will have built a hell of a base to continue building on.....and will have learned all sorts of valuable things about what works best for you.

Sorry if I have made a poor assumption. It's just that you have ignored every single bit of the advice that is widely available on this site. The cycle makes little sense and has no precautionary measures or recovery. And the post itself contains almost no info. Stats are 100% needed to go any further. The good news for you is......give those stats and the guys that have already commented here can give you rock solid advice.