My first cycle -- low dose Test C. Opinions from experienced members?

Hello. I'm new to the forum, and for the most part, new to AAS, as well. I'm hoping to get a bit of feedback regarding my planned cycle before I go ahead and order everything, in case I need to make any adjustments.

A bit of background: a few years ago, I was in a highly restrictive drug treatment facility for a year and change. Of my two roommates, one was a bodybuilder and the other was a lunatic who wildly used AAS to turn into a massive, freakishly strong criminal mastermind and police-nightmare. They brought in whatever the could, given the circumstances, and I partook... I did a few Winny injections, and took some orals (I believe Superdrol & a Tren PH -- I was young, new to the subject, and stupid at the time, and honestly can't even really be sure, but I believe that is right.) I realize now how dumb such a haphazard use of substances was, and I want to get it right this time around.

I am 27 years old, and I suffer from lethargy, depression, low sex drive, weak and infrequent erections, and low semen volume. I tried traditional antidepressants (several of them) to no avail. I thought to check my testosterone levels, and my TT was 230. The doctor who did the test was a family friend, and is not big on TRT, and since my levels were slightly above the low end of the "normal" range provided by the lab he uses, he told me "your testosterone levels are fine." I'm getting them checked again in a couple weeks just to get another reference, but I'm not counting on him to do anything for me, and expect I will have to take matters into my own hands.

I've been training for years, but just don't gain any size anymore. I get toned, but never any size increases, and it takes a long time to recover from workouts -- I will post some pictures later, also in hopes to get some estimates on my BF% from people who know how to gauge such things -- but my primary purpose here is dual: one is to increase my gains from training, but mostly, I just want to feel alive again: to be able to get out of bed in the morning, and to perform in bed at night. I want to see how Test effects me before I think about increasing the dose. With that in mind, here is what I am planning on for my first low-dose Test C cycle.

Week 1-12: 100mg Test C 2x/week
Week 1-14: .25mg Anastrozole EOD
Week 15-16: Nolva 40mg ED
Week 17-18: Nolva 20mg ED

I wonder if the dose of Anastrozole might be too low? Even for such a low dose of Test C? Or should I wait to see if I even need it at all rather than automatically taking it from the beginning of my cycle?

Any other feedback would be appreciated, also. Thanks.
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What your basically doing with your proposed 12 weeker is shut down your natty test and replace it with a synthetic test. Don't expect much but a dissatisfied experience after a few months of that. U are wanting to cycle a trt dose of test. People who use that dose are on it all the time and never come off it. I think u should check out some more medical pathways before doing more harm to yourself.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm looking for a different doctor that accepts my insurance and isn't scheduled months out right now, and in the mean time will be seeing the other doctor for the time being... but just so I'm clear, you're saying that at that dose, I could pretty much expect my test levels to just stay where they are because I would simply be shutting down my natural production, and only taking enough exogenous test to put me where I'm already at anyway?
Pretty much a guessing game. Without bloodwork, its hard to say. I know running a 12 week cycle of a trt dose isn't a great idea for anybody.
Well I was at 230 a few months ago, and getting tested again next week; hoping for a referral to an endocrinologist too, so hopefully I'll be able to resolve things that way... just formulating ideas for a Plan B if it comes to that.