my first cycle need help on pct


New member
I'm going to be doing my fist and only test e cycle in the new year. I'm running test e 250 iu twice a week for 12 weeks. I've currently got a load of tamoxifen 10 mg.

My goal is too put on as much size as possible with the least amount of side effects

I know I need to be running hcg alongside it but do I do this during or after or both? In what doses too?
Is running test e for 12 weeks enough?
Would I need to run anything else during or after?

I'm 25
12% bf
Assuming diet, nutrition, hydration, sleep and recovery are sound

Thanks in advance
Hcg should be ran from beginning of cycle up till bout 3 days before pct starts. Most guys run 250 units twice a week. Yes 12 weeks is def long enough for first cycle. Your pct should start about 2 weeks after your last pinn of your cycle. Nola or clomid. Read the stickies on this site on pct along with everything else.