My First Cycle of TEST-E.


New member
I am looking into starting my very first cycle and would just like to get any suggestions.

Ive been debating doing this for about 6 months and after doing lots of research Ive decided to make the plunge.

Currently 28 years old, 5'8, 160lbs. Body fat is 6.8%.

Weeks 1-10 500mg of Testosterone Enanthate (Monday and Thursday)

Weeks 11 & 12 wait for test to go off

Week 13- Nolvadex 40mg ED, Clomid 100mg ED

Week 14-15 - Nolvadex 20mg ED, Clomid 50 ED

Ive also contemplated on whither i should do a 10 or 12 week cycle of test but decided 10 week would be fine for my first time.

Let me know what you guys think. Thanks so much for any feedback.
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I am looking into starting my very first cycle and would just like to get any suggestions.

Ive been debating doing this for about 6 months and after doing lots of research Ive decided to make the plunge.

Currently 28 years old, 5'8, 160lbs. Body fat is 6.8%.

Weeks 1-10 500mg of Testosterone Enanthate (Monday and Thursday)

Weeks 11 & 12 wait for test to go off

Week 13- Nolvadex 40mg ED, Clomid 100mg ED

Week 14-15 - Nolvadex 20mg ED, Clomid 50 ED

Ive also contemplated on whither i should do a 10 or 12 week cycle of test but decided 10 week would be fine for my first time.

Let me know what you guys think. Thanks so much for any feedback.
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Firstly, well done, you've actually covered off MOST things with the exclusion of a few.

I see no mention of an AI in there so wondering what you're running?
Have you thought of HCG?

I think you're a bit light at your weight, that you could use an extra 20 or so lbs before looking at injecting test.

Lastly, Test E shouldn't be run less than 12 weeks, it only really starts getting good until 6 weeks
Thanks a lot Onkshotkiller.

In regards to AI I've read Taking 12mg of Aromasin during the cycle after the first injection eliminates most signs of gyno. Is this something you'd recommend? If so should I take that daily? I've also read taking nolve throughout the cycle can help maintain the size of "your boys" but it's not completely needed. I thought HCG would be somewhat counter productive to the test-e and a properly run PCT will bring everthing back together.

Believe it or not for the last 5-6 years of my life I've weighted about 145. About 4 months ago I tried GOMAD and was able to go from 145 to 175 in a month. As soon as I came off it I lost 15lbs and have settled in at 160. I believe I am quite strong for my size but even packing on 15lbs hasent given me much of a boost in strength which is why I'm considering a simple test cycle.

Thanks again for all your input.
You should continue doing more research before getting involved with AAS. A great place to start would be reading the stickys. how long have you been training for? What is your diet like? what are your goals for this cycle. I'm going to assume you want to add mass, increase strength?

Gear is only a tool that can be used properly when the user has read the manual. Diet will be everything, no matter what you do, cut or bulk. Seeing that you are 160lbs and mentioned you have had problems gaining natty weight, means your diet is not right. Talk with 3J before anything. He is a diet guru and can tell you right away if it is the problem. You'll save money by going natty with one of his diet plans and see better, longer lasting results.
Thanks a lot Onkshotkiller.

In regards to AI I've read Taking 12mg of Aromasin during the cycle after the first injection eliminates most signs of gyno. Is this something you'd recommend? If so should I take that daily? I've also read taking nolve throughout the cycle can help maintain the size of "your boys" but it's not completely needed. I thought HCG would be somewhat counter productive to the test-e and a properly run PCT will bring everthing back together.

Believe it or not for the last 5-6 years of my life I've weighted about 145. About 4 months ago I tried GOMAD and was able to go from 145 to 175 in a month. As soon as I came off it I lost 15lbs and have settled in at 160. I believe I am quite strong for my size but even packing on 15lbs hasent given me much of a boost in strength which is why I'm considering a simple test cycle.

Thanks again for all your input.

It's mostly how you eat.

What's your food plan look like?
ideally, I'd want to see how much protein/carbs/fats you eat per day.

Secondly, aromasin needs to be taken ED whilst on cycle whereas arimidex can be taken EoD. Your choice on which you run as long as you're consistent and do it until JUST before PCT (stop time depends on which you use).

I wouldn't use nolva while on your cycle. It's a SERM and for PCT rather than during your cycle. HCG is the drug that will stimulate your testes and keep them active rather than completely shut down.
PCT should bring you back to your normal levels, but HCG gives you the best chance of doing so. HCG won't suppress your Test-E cycle but WILL suppress your HPTA's recovery during PCT. Run it every week up until you start PCT, similar to using an AI.
do as these guys say , i did follow them advices and im running test e 500mg/w at this moment. Im feeling/doing great
Take ur time until u feel ready and know what u doing ;)
Thx everyone for your feedback.

Weights=life I have been training for over 12 years (a long as I can remember). I understand diet is the most important part of your cycle and my diet now is extremely clean. I limit carbs to post workout and when I do eat them I try to consume extreamly starchy carbs ex. Yams, sweet potatos with lots of vegetables and little fruit. My diets is primary filled with lots of protein and fats. Because of the volume I workout i make sure not to consume anything less than 3500 calories a day.

Now with that said in a perfect world Id be fine with staying 160lbs as I'm a gymnast and most of what we do is body weight related. Packing on 15/20lbs would be counter productive and most likely affect flexabilty but I seem to be maxing out my strength pontential. My goal with test would be to gain lean muscle mass for increased strength. Im not really concerned about my weight just looking to move it more efficiently.

I will continue to do a lot more research esp on the newbie sticks. Appreciate your help.
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I think you're a bit light at your weight, that you could use an extra 20 or so lbs before looking at injecting test.

I'm just curious what the thinking is behind this? Why do you have to get "big" first before taking the plunge with gear? Why not the other way around... I worked out for years and could never put on weight, I found out I had low T, got on test then did a cycle,, I put on 40 lbs. the test was the missing piece I needed to gain weight all those years.
Some people just can't put on 20 more pounds naturally,, so why wait, if your gonna take the plunge just take the plunge.
(May be diff for a 22 yo kid and best to wait til he gets bigger as he still naturally grows and bulks,, I'm in my mid 30s)
I workout i make sure not to consume anything less than 3500 calories a day.

Now with that said in a perfect world Id be fine with staying 160lbs as I'm a gymnast and most of what we do is body weight related. Packing on 15/20lbs would be counter productive and most likely affect flexabilty but I seem to be maxing out my strength pontential. My goal with test would be to gain lean muscle mass for increased strength. Im not really concerned about my weight just looking to move it more efficiently.

I will continue to do a lot more research esp on the newbie sticks. Appreciate your help.

At 160 lbs and taking in 3500+ calories your prob in a calorie surplus and if you cycle test your more then likely going to gain a bit of weight.. If you want to cycle and increase strength without gaining weight your going to have a have a very very specific strict diet to obtain that,, you could be better off running a low dose of test and running a high dose of primo (a non bulking compound that does help w strength),, but it's your first cycle, test only is best,, I'm just saying you may end gaining a lot of weight and that could be counter productive like u said above ..

I've used 3j before and I'm sure he could get that diet dialed in to that non weight gain goal your looking for
1 I rec 12-14 weeks
2 i rec AI from week one to start of PCT. NVM gyno, worry about other issues also from high estrogen, use an AI!
3) do a 4 week PCT
4 no HCG is not NEEDED, but could help PCT and i would rec it last few weeks at 250-500iu 2x a week , stop at start of pct.
I'm just curious what the thinking is behind this? Why do you have to get "big" first before taking the plunge with gear? Why not the other way around... I worked out for years and could never put on weight, I found out I had low T, got on test then did a cycle,, I put on 40 lbs. the test was the missing piece I needed to gain weight all those years.
Some people just can't put on 20 more pounds naturally,, so why wait, if your gonna take the plunge just take the plunge.
(May be diff for a 22 yo kid and best to wait til he gets bigger as he still naturally grows and bulks,, I'm in my mid 30s)

At 28 and 160lbs and never been able to get over it, I'd hands down bet that he isn't eating enough. It seems to be 95% of the trouble people have when they join this forum.

Hence why I'd recommend him sorting that out before AAS usage, as he'll just lose his gains when coming off cycle if not eating sufficiently
At 28 and 160lbs and never been able to get over it, I'd hands down bet that he isn't eating enough. It seems to be 95% of the trouble people have when they join this forum.

Hence why I'd recommend him sorting that out before AAS usage, as he'll just lose his gains when coming off cycle if not eating sufficiently

Agreed. There is no way his diet is very good if he is consuming 3500+ cals and still sitting at 160lbs. AAS is only going to help by having a solid diet. Otherwise when you get off youll lose all your gains.

Write down what you eat everyday for a week, calories, the grams of protein, carbs and fat and add up each day. You can find this info out by googling what your eating or simply looking at the side of the package.

Try adding 500 calories to your diet to see if you make any gains.
Doesn't sound like he wants to gain weight cause of his sport.. Gear is not just for guys wanting to be a thick muscle head. Do pro cyclist need to put on 20 lbs before they start a cycle? Of course not,, they'll stay at 140 lbs cause it's best for their sport.

Gear is first and foremost goal dependent- not everyone across the board needs to loose body fat first, get diet straight first, gain more natty weight,, it's not that genarlized IMO.

On a side note: getting on trt and then doing a cycle and adding 40 lbs,, it was the gear that seemed to help me eat more, from that first experience and the mental state of wanting to eat all the time while on cycle actually TAUGhT me how to eat.. I didn't know how to eat big until AFTER that.
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Roush is correct. I'm not necessarily looking to gain weight just gain strength. Heck if you know of a way for me to lose weight and gain strength I'm all ears.

I consume a lot of calories at the moment but I also burn a lot. Currently I am training for a competition in March and I'm training twice a day 4 days a week and 3 times a days twice a week. Now a lot of my training is gymnastics based but I also do strength training at least 4 days a week (deadlifts, squat at least 3 days a week, clean complex's, grip work, pressing, and tons of ploy-metric work). Now I know I could pack on weight by upping my calories, consuming even more fat and carbs but that is not necessarily going to make me a stronger gymnast. Throughout my life its been extremely difficult to consume the calories needed to gain weight on an extremely clean diet all while having a pretty active training schedule. I also break my food up into 6 meals per day. Ill track my calorie intake and meals the next few days and post them so you can let me know what you think.

I by no means am a dietitian this has just been my experience so far. I was looking at taking a cycle after my comp in March so I have a lot of time to figure things out.
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Roush is correct. I'm not necessarily looking to gain weight just gain strength. Heck if you know of a way for me to lose weight and gain strength I'm all ears.

I consume a lot of calories at the moment but I also burn a lot. Currently I am training for a competition in March and I'm training twice a day 4 days a week and 3 times a days twice a week. Now a lot of my training is gymnastics based but I also do strength training at least 4 days a week (deadlifts, squat at least 3 days a week, clean complex's, grip work, pressing, and tons of ploy-metric work). Now I know I could pack on weight by upping my calories, consuming even more fat and carbs but that is not necessarily going to make me a stronger gymnast. Throughout my life its been extremely difficult to consume the calories needed to gain weight on an extremely clean diet all while having a pretty active training schedule. I also break my food up into 6 meals per day. Ill track my calorie intake and meals the next few days and post them so you can let me know what you think.

I by no means am a dietitian this has just been my experience so far. I was looking at taking a cycle after my comp in March so I have a lot of time to figure things out.

Way I used to do gymnastic competitions (used to be a state level competitor) I'd eat like a bull until 8 weeks before the comp then cut down so my power/weight was better. My aps were rings, lel bars and unevens so the cut was great when trying to hold an iron cross, ring planche, and pretty much anything involving core transitions.

So in my view, adding a few kgs/lbs is absolutely fine as long as you can manipulate your diet to then lose it.

Which is why so many competitors at adult level would do prop + winny or var for the short half lives that supposedly cleared before testing.