My first "cycle" or "TRT" info please?????


New member
Awesome information on here! Been lurking for a while reading up and gaining knowledge.

I wanted to see if you guys could answer a few questions? Heres my deal:

BF 10%

Been very active and lifting for over 10 years. Mostly cardio and hi reps in order not to bulk up for the sport I was in. Rarely heavy lighting. Was feeling fatigued went into docs and he said I had low T. Although I don't have my readings on me right now here is what I was prescribed:

12 weeks Test Cypionate

200mg/ml every week

I know I have read that this is just testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but also have heard that a once a week shot of this amount is not testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? Whats the deal? Can I gain some lean muscle mass with this in a 12 week period? Im looking to get some lean mass and eat lots of clean food during this period? Im a very clean eater and already lean so its hard to gain weight as it is. He didnt prescribe me anything for PCT?? Will I need on this dose or am I wasting everyones time talking about this in here?

Break it own for me guys? Is this legit or is this just a little baby shot? Doc said it should bring my levels to the upper normal range. Thanks for any info.

Oh ya first shot was last Sat. Next one is tomorrow.
Oh dear. First things first: testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is to REPLACE your natural testosterone levels that your body for some reason or another is no longer making. It is not a steroid cycle, it is not intended to "come off of" with a PCT, it is not to put on mass or get your feet wet for a bb competition.

With that said however, you will be able to put on lean body mass once again and you should notice any adipose fat that had built up from having low testosterone starting to vacate the premises as long as your diet supports this. 200mg/wk IS a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose and is meant to bring you within range of healthy normal males. You will not come off this dose and it is for life, so no PCT is required.

I strongly advise you start spending some time in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section of the forums as you have some reading to do my friend. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can be a great blessing to your life, or it can be a curse if you don't learn as much as possible to reap the benefits. I sure hope he has mentioned an aromatase inhibitor or at the very least has you scheduled for another blood test in a month to verify your estrogen levels aren't going bonkers on you.

Best of luck!

My .02c :)
Thanks for the reply. I apologize if this was in the wrong section of this forum. He has a blood test for me scheduled next month but no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) prescribed. I appreciate all the info I can get. Ill go check out the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and get some knowledge dropped on me.
No worries at all man, this is a great place to post AAS related questions, but I think you'll learn far more in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section. Welcome to 'ology!
Where do you live? Many one of the guys here can recommend a better doc for you who is versed in TRT.

If you do post something in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section, please remember to include your lab results along with their reference ranges.