My first cycle (oral winny) 50 mg ed


New member
So despite much deterrence from other members on winstrol oral I have decided to do 50mgs Ed for seven weeks. I purchased 100 caps 25mg each of trin labs. I am one week into the cycle while having one cap in a.m. and one cap p.m. I have chosen oral whinny because of it's price and I have not a desire to gain mass but more so strength and endurance for sporting activities. I was 6 ft 197 lbs going into the cycle benching 275lbs max and 225 for 9 reps, squatting 315 max (full squats) and dead-lifting 440lbs. Also I am 21 and feel this is the time for me as I plan to turn pro in my athletics within the next couple of years. In addition I have been working out for 8 years (6 of those years hard)

Basically I have stopped gaining muscle while keeping my cardio up. Im sure I could get much stronger if I stopped or slowed cardio but I am not willing to make that sacrifice. I want the best of both worlds as I am going for an Apollo like body instead of Hercules and whinny is the answer for my.

days 1-7- Weird sensation in testes almost like they stopped making test haha (only lasted first couple days) Also weird headaches which happen almost every day. No strength gains so far but getting noticeable more vascular. Also recovery time is shorter in between workouts and I have started to workout 3 hours a day seven days a week as it feels easier to push myself. Also I have been training high intensity cardio and feel as if running is becoming easier I will test tomorrow and tell you where I'm at

Day-9- Today is day nine for me and I have noticed a strength increase on bench most notable incline. pyramided from 135- 225-135 for eight sets. Got 225 3 reps and never did 225 before on incline, before cycle only went to 205 for 4ish reps. Right after incline I pyramided in the same fashion for regular bench and still managed to crank out seven at 225. When doing bench after incline I usually only go to 205 for 4ish reps. I am starting to feel like a diesel as I have been hammering out 3-4 exercise for each muscle group with excellent recovery times, also I weigh 201lbs now and more ab definition is here.

In addition I plan on using nova for post cycle therapy (pct) and have supplemented fish oil which I started on day 3. I have had zero joint problems, in fact my joints feel awesome. No more zits then the occasional one which I have had since I was 15 anyway. In addition I have no desire to hear from others about how bad this cycle is as I have already started it and this is for informational purposes only. I likely won't post pics as my body is easy to recognize, and for the credibility factor you can take it or leave it but I would not do all this work if I wasn't actually on whinny, so you can decide if im full of B.S. or not. I will keep you updated every week or so
What sport are you playing ?

I would look ino post cycle therapy (pct) again, Nolva alone is not the best option. I'd always run hcg during the cycle to keep the damage to a minimum.

By the way, even though I agree with what most people probably have told you about this cycle, I find it very interesting to hear about it because I don't know anybody who did a cycle like this.

Good luck and keep us posted.
True but cash flow is tight, thanks and I play european handball, I am from Britian originally but live in Germany, My name is Lars by the way.
Nope I am not a bit*ch, I have try outs coming up soon and testing is prominent, and test prop is unreachable for the area I live in at least for my connections
Day 11- Cardio is off the charts, I feel like I am in better cardio shape then when I was 180 and running all the time. Weight is 202lbs.
Winstrol 50 mg oral only

Hey, I'm very interested in your Winstrol oral cycle. Did you only use 50 mgs and what brand of Stanozolol did you use?

Please tell me ALL side effects and please post pictures of a before and after to if you can. This would be greatly appreciated. I would like to know ow you felt and if you think it was worth it and what kind of post cycle therapy (pct) did you use? Looking forward to hearing from you. Please reply to my personal e-mail with the pics and info. Thanks a bunch!
I have a close freind that ran a Winstrol (winny) only cycle for 6 weeks 75mg ed. He had great lean gains (9lbs) and strength went up through the roof. BUT he said he would never do it again as he is feeling really depressed all the time. Have you felt anything like this?
Why do so many people say Winstrol (winny) sucks? Especially alone? Wouldnt it be great in a calorie deficet? Ie: A cutt to just maintain at least?
I ended up running the whinny for six weeks as some days I boosted the dose to 75mgs. I am now done the cycle and feel like shit, My joints hurt from week three till now (week 7), I have constant headaches and I am moody and depressed. I would not recommend this to anyone. Sure I put on some muscle but I don't have the motivation to work out right now. Also I am now balding pretty good, which is a bit disappointing as the gain is not worth hair loss for me (my mothers dad still has a full head of hair too). And as far as gains went, It was not what I was expecting, they were mediocre at best and because I am still only 21 I can make similar gains naturally working hard in not that much more time. I feel this was a let down and will not considering using AS ever again. I appreciate the warnings experienced juicers have given me, and only now realize that they were trying to preserve my best interests, while I was thinking that they were just trying to keep gear to themselves, thats all i got and to anyone thinking of trying gear, make sure you evaluate it and see if the risk is worth the reward.
Alas I forgot to tell the final results which were as follows
weight now 219lbs before: 197, total gain of 22lbs
bench now max- 310lbs then 275
cardio- increased not measured though
squat- noticeable increase of reps
explosiveness- more explosive, again not measured

My body looks fuller now but not super defined as I ate tons while on cycle, beware of lower back cramps! Also once i upped the intake from 50-75 then went back to 50 and that was when I felt like I started to shut down, so I recommend staying at 75 to achieve max results
I forgot to mention that I am starting nolva today and trib. I expect to drop to around 210 after completion. Also my girlfriend has not been to keen on me the last week as sex drive has dropped, and from what I expect will not be back for a couple of weeks. I do notice people looking at me where ever I go now which is kinda nice, especially women at the club ;). If you have any questions let me know.
hey ive got some Winstrol (winny) and looking to do about 6 weeks, oral only! been told by a few people that its not worth doing it alone, was looking for more opinions on this! Any recommendations on other orals to stack with the Winstrol (winny), or pro hormones even.

any input is appreciated!
Why do so many people say Winstrol (winny) sucks? Especially alone? Wouldnt it be great in a calorie deficet? Ie: A cutt to just maintain at least?

this is why Shane.

I ended up running the whinny for six weeks as some days I boosted the dose to 75mgs. I am now done the cycle and feel like shit, My joints hurt from week three till now (week 7), I have constant headaches and I am moody and depressed. I would not recommend this to anyone. Sure I put on some muscle but I don't have the motivation to work out right now. Also I am now balding pretty good, which is a bit disappointing as the gain is not worth hair loss for me (my mothers dad still has a full head of hair too). And as far as gains went, It was not what I was expecting, they were mediocre at best and because I am still only 21 I can make similar gains naturally working hard in not that much more time. I feel this was a let down and will not considering using AS ever again. I appreciate the warnings experienced juicers have given me, and only now realize that they were trying to preserve my best interests, while I was thinking that they were just trying to keep gear to themselves, thats all i got and to anyone thinking of trying gear, make sure you evaluate it and see if the risk is worth the reward.
hey ive got some Winstrol (winny) and looking to do about 6 weeks, oral only! been told by a few people that its not worth doing it alone, was looking for more opinions on this! Any recommendations on other orals to stack with the Winstrol (winny), or pro hormones even.

any input is appreciated!

Wow! Have u not read his story here?! It's because of uneducated kids (LIKE THIS ONE), that roids are illegal! Kid, aparently u dont kno how to read, considering the op clearly said "IT'S NOT WORTH IT!"
I ran 100mg of winny... while on test. No sides what so ever from it. to clear it up, i ran it for 1 week out of the 7 total weeks i ran it for.
this is why Shane.
Results and opinions vary. This guy was taking too much especially at 21 yrs old. While I would always recommend stacking with a test, I have personally had a good experience with oral Winstrol (winny) and arginine only. Especially when taking a serving of each 30 min pre-workout. Too each his/her own