My First Cycle: Ostarine + Tamoxifen On Cycle


New member
Hello guys, I am about to end an 8 week Osta cycle so I thought I would make a post on it.
I have been dosing the Osta at 20 mg. I am doing Tamoxifen at 10mg every day.
Overall, I have gained 5 pounds off muscle while dropping a percentage in bodyfat.
I started at 68.5 kg and am now at 71. Thats solid. As for sides, for the last week I have been having achy joints and fatigue. Probably dry joints. Now I am wondering what type of PCT I should do... What do youu guys think? I took my bloods for testosterone only before the cycle. I forgot to test for estrogen. I will get em both now for post cycle and will post with the results.
nah bro, no t on this cycle. just a ostarine and tamox cycle like the title says.. i have to say for sides i have been having hot flushes as well last couple of days... i will get the bloods in a day or 2 for my est and t...
I did a few of these non-AAS cycles years back and they always ended the same way, feeling crappy with fatigue and achy joints.

I never got blood tested back then, but what I know now is you probably crashed your test, and then a while later your estrogen.
I did a few of these non-AAS cycles years back and they always ended the same way, feeling crappy with fatigue and achy joints.

I never got blood tested back then, but what I know now is you probably crashed your test, and then a while later your estrogen.

This ^^^^ that's what its all about. ^^^ could you read some of the sticky posts
So I got my results. Exactly 2 months ago, on the day I started my cycle my T was at 5.27ng/ml and now it is at 6.22ng/ml. The range is from 1.32-8.13ng/ml. So I have maintained my T levels. What is odd is the E2 level. I am kicking myself for not getting baseline tested 2 months ago. The E2 is at 98.1pg/ml. I looked up normal level for dudes and its in the 20s. I am gonna go ahead and continue the nolva.
I am going to pick up some Arimidex today aswell. I have Clomid in the shelves.
Now, what do you guys think about the dosage for the Arimidex and Clomid?
So I got the Arimidex and have dosed at 1 mg. Also, I have decided to not do the Clomid and only continue with the Nolva. 7 days from now I will have another 1 mg of Arimidex and 14 days later I will get bloods for E2 again.

My symptoms like hot flashes, fatigue, and trouble sleeping at night all seem to point to the fact that the test results are correct. I'm wondering whether the Tamoxifen usage resulted in me maintaining my T levels throughout the cycle while also causing the build up of Estrogen. Though, why would there be build up if I maintained my T to begin with. I've read that Tamoxifen causes E2 to rise. Maybe this is the case. Thoughts?
Interesting that your test is normal and estrogen is high. The opposite of what I suspected.

I'd suggest you be careful with the AI. Your test is normal, so dosage could be very very low to be effective.