My First Cycle/Post cycle therapy (pct) Log


New member
My First Cycle/PCT Log


This will be my first cycle. I have been researching for a good while now and im making the leap. Any advice and criticism to my diet and Cycle/PCT will be hugely appreciated. I will be keeping a log with pics updated frequently.


10-20 lbs of lean muscle
Try to stay at or get below 10% body fat


23 yrs old
205-210 lbs
10-14% bf
Training 6 years on and off, getting back into it hard core.


Weeks 1-10 500mg a week Test C (250mgx2--- Monday and Thursday)
Weeks 1-15 20mg Nolvadex ed


Starting 2 weeks after last Test injection (Weeks 12-15)

Day 1-21 25mg Aromasin ED
Day1 300mg clomid + 20mg Nolvadex
Day 2-11 100mg clomid + 20mg Nolvadex
Day12-21 50mg clomid + 20mg Nolvadex


BSN N.O. Explode 2.0
BSN Cell Mass
BSN Syntha 6
1000mg/day Fish oil
MRM Cla 1250


Typical day consist of around 2700-3000 calories, 100-175g carbs, 100-150g fats, and 250-300g Protein.
Couple things bud,

First off Nolvadex is not an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and should not be run during cycle, Aromasin, or Arimidex are the AI's that you should run throughout your cycle and post cycle therapy (pct). Aromasin should be run ED, and Arimidex is EOD. Aromasin should be run around 12.5mg, Idk anything about dosage for Adex since Ive never run it.

Second, i wouldnt run a cycle any less than 12-14 weeks. Cyp takes a while to kick in, and when your feeling it to the fullest you'll be about to come off.

Your post cycle therapy (pct) looks good, the 300mg of Clomid on day 1 seems a little high to me, Im only doing 100mg on the first day (I dont want to go blind at night) lol. I also think you should run your post cycle therapy (pct) for 4 weeks not 3.


You seem pretty skinny for your height to weight ratio, maybe you should put off the cycle for a couple months and run Natty Bulk, just my .02. GOOD LUCK BRA!
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Thanks for the quick reply.I was told to run Nolva thoughout cycle to help with gyno. I am a newbie so any help is appreciated. I have the test readily available so if im not feeling how i want by 10 weeks i can get more no problem. I will definately take your advice for PCT.
Nolva would only be needed during cycle if some serious gyno issues popped up during your cycle, its pointless to run it along with the Test. So its not a bad idea to have it on hand just in case, but dont run it unless its an emergency.

I can almost promise you, that you will keep going, lol. Shit Feels MMMAZING
Thats exactly what ive heard. Ill try and get some pics up here this afternoon. I appreciate your response. I hope you as well as others will follow i look forward to hearing yalls input on everything. Thanks again brotha
Nice, your looking good, look bigger than 210 at 6'4, and your for sure at 10% body fat. I say once you get all your gear, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), and post cycle therapy (pct) START THIS MOFO UPPP!!!!

Also look into getting a blood test, I didnt do the pre cycle blood test, but I did have one during cycle. I will also have one after post cycle therapy (pct) to make sure all my levels are normal.
Thanks Brotha, Im pumped and cant wait. I hope I can put on 10-20 Lbs of muscle and stay lean. I have been reading your log, and i restructured my post cycle therapy (pct) to follow yours, and im gonna take Aromasin instead of Nolva during cycle, but will have it on hand in case gyno symptoms pop up. Alot of good stuff in your log.
Thanks bro, I love to hear that, cause I made the log for this reason, I will for sure follow yours!! Keep checking in on mine as I will update ED on how Im feeling and doing during PCT.
I started my cycle this past Saturday 06/09/12. I injected 250mgs into my delts, all went smooth no pain whatsoever. I used slin pins to inject (28g x 1/2). I cant wait to pin again Tuesday.

Here is a little about my DIet and Exercise:


Monday----chest sets reps

Flat Bench Press 4 10,8,6,4
Incline dumbbell 3 10,8,8
Dumbbell flys 3 10,8,8
Incline Barbell press 2 8,6
Pushups 5 20
Dips 3 8,8,8


Standing calf raises 5 50-75
Leg extensions 4 12,10,8,8
Leg Press 4 12,10,8,8
Weighted Lunges 4 10,10,10,10
Barbell Squat 5 12,10,8,6,4


Lat pulldown 4 12,10,8,8
Pullups 4 5-8
Bent over barbell row 4 10,8,8,6
One arm dumbbell row 4 10,10,8,8
Back extensions 4 10,10,10,10
Stiff leg deadlift 3 12,10,8


Seated dumbbell press 4 10,10,8,8
Incline bench press 3 10,8,8
Side lateral raise 3 10,8,8
Front raise 3 10,8,8
Barbell shrugs 3 12,10,8
Dumbbell shrugs 3 10,10,10


EZ bar curl 3 10,8,6
Alternating dumbbell curl 3 10,8,6
Seated incline curl 3 10,8,6
Overhead tricep extension 3 10,8,8
Dips 3 10,10,10
Tricep pushdowns 3 10,10,10

Saturday----body weight excercises

250 pushups
Body squats
200 situps
200 crunches



I play full court basketball for 90 min twice a week, I have at least two baseball games a week. Also I run when I have time. I would say I do cardio 4 times a week to be safe. Also have a job where I am always walking and climbing stairs. Activity level is 4/5.


6:00 A.M Meal 1 Cals carbs fat protein

Syntha-6 200 15 6 22
1/4 cup Oats 75 14 2.5 2.5
1 cup skim milk 90 14 0 8
Meal 1 totals 365 43 8.5 32.5

8:00 A.M meal 2

4oz ground turkey 230 0 17 19
1 can Tuna 100 2.5 2.5 22
1 stalk celery 9 1 0 0
Meal 2 Totals 339 3.5 19.5 41

9:30 A.M Meal 3

Syntha-6 400 30 12 44

11:30 A.M Meal 4

8oz ground turkey 460 0 34 38
½ sweet potato 180 42 1 4
1 stalk celery 9 1 0 0
1 cup broccoli 30 5 0 3
Meal 4 Totals 679 48 35 45

1:30 P.M Meal 5 (preWO)

4 oz ground turkey 230 0 17 19
½ sweet potato 180 42 1 4
1 cup broccoli 30 5 0 3
1 stalk celery 9 1 0 0
Meal 5 Totals 449 48 18 26

3:30 P.M Workout

5:00 P.M Meal 6 (postWO)

Syntha-6 200 15 6 22
4 oz ground turkey 230 0 17 19
Meal 6 Totals 430 15 23 41

7:30 P.M Meal 7

1 can Tuna 100 2.5 2.5 22
4oz ground turkey 230 0 17 19
Meal 7 Totals 330 2.5 19.5 41

Daily Totals 2902 206 135.5 262.5

****This is my typical daily diet, I will substitute chicken breast and tuna for the turkey. I get lots of greens also


Pre workout N.O. Explode
Post workout Cell Mass
Protein Syntha 6
Fish oil
MRM CLA 1250