My first cycle..still need help with PCT


New member
So far I've got a vial of Test E 300mg/ml and I'm going to pin that once a week for 12 weeks. I also have a vial of Whinny Depot 50mg/ml. About the whinny, I know people take this E3D or EOD but I decided that I'll just take it once a week the same time I pin Test. To be honest, I'm already on my 2nd week.. I started on the 22nd of July which landed on a Monday.

Now my question is, because I've been reading a lot of forums and blogs about cycles.. I'm not to entirely sure as what to take for PCT and if I'm suppose to be taking HCG on cycle or before post cycle therapy (pct). And if I do need Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), not sure of which one to get or where to get. Besides those two things, I've seen a lot of people taking Proviron, Arimidex, and Aromasin.. am I suppose to be taking these as well?

Yes I know.. I'm a noob but I need the help!
You aren't ready for gear and you should not have started this cycle. If your only taking 300mg a week you need to split the shot up to 150mg twice a week to keep your levels stable. You should have been doing 500mg a week and do you only have one vial of test? If so that's not enough you'll run out. Hcg is a personal preference. You should pick up some adex to keep estrogen levels down so you don't get as many sides. dose the adex at .25 eod. Pct should start 2 weeks after last test injection and should be clomid and nolva. Clomid should be dosed 50/50/25/25 and nolva should be dosed 40/40/20/20. You need to read through the stickies. You're lacking basic steroid knowledge. Oh and don't even bother about using the Winstrol (winny). First cycle should be test only. I don't mean to sound like a dick but this is the kinda stuff that gives steroids a bad name. Make sure that you read all the stickies.
You aren't ready for gear and you should not have started this cycle. If your only taking 300mg a week you need to split the shot up to 150mg twice a week to keep your levels stable. You should have been doing 500mg a week and do you only have one vial of test? If so that's not enough you'll run out. Hcg is a personal preference. You should pick up some adex to keep estrogen levels down so you don't get as many sides. dose the adex at .25 eod. Pct should start 2 weeks after last test injection and should be clomid and nolva. Clomid should be dosed 50/50/25/25 and nolva should be dosed 40/40/20/20. You need to read through the stickies. You're lacking basic steroid knowledge. Oh and don't even bother about using the Winstrol (winny). First cycle should be test only. I don't mean to sound like a dick but this is the kinda stuff that gives steroids a bad name. Make sure that you read all the stickies.
