My First Cycle (Sust/500mg+Deca/100mg)


New member
Hello everybody and welcome to my first cycle log.

I'm 18 years old and I live in the Caribbean, 175cm tall, 150lbs at 8% bodyfat, I've been training on/off for 3 years but never been off for more than 2/3 months and during the last 15 months I've gotten serious about my training.
I know my age might be still young to be engaging in AAS use but I've done a lot of research on this for the past year and I perfectly know what I'm getting myself into and I've tried a prohormones, which were Dymethaberry Steel Crushers that practically is superdrol around March and a quad stack from Warrior Labz called Titan that has 4 compounds in it around May so I guess this is just the next step for me

I got my first jab yesterday and excited to see how things will come out.

I decided for my first cycle to be 500mg sustanon, 100mg deca. I know deca should be run at higher mgs but I incorporated it at 100mg into my cycle for it's joint benefits since I have weak knees for jumping from tall heights when I was a child and in order to fully maximize my leg growth I added that in and I also purchased some knee wraps for when going heavy on the legs which surprisingly do help a lot.

Cycle is the following. Injections are split into two days a week, Mondays and Thursdays
week 1-8
500mg Organon Sustanon
100mg Organon Deca

week 9-12
500mg Organon Sustanon

week 6-14 (1 week on,1 week off)
10mcg ED Clenbuterol

week 14 (2 weeks from last injection on Thursday)
10mg ED Nolvadex

week 15
20mg ED Nolvadex

I have Arimidex on hand only if to use if I run into gyno symptoms and I also have a couple HCG vials also only to be used if necessary.

week 16
10mg ED Nolvadex

Current measurements
Arms: 14.75inches
Chest: 38.5inches
Waist: 29inches
Legs: 22.5inches
Calves: 13.75inches

Current lifts
Bench 1RM= 195lbs
Squat 1RM= 250lbs

I will be on a calorie surplus diet based on 2795 calories consisting of 67g Fat/ 187g Protein/ 361g Carbs split into 6 meals a day.
My diet mostly will be pasta, rice, chicken and fish. I'm trying to keep it as lean as possible so I can keep my single digit bodyfat percentage

Monday Chest & Back
Tuesday Legs
Wednesday Shoulders & Arms
Thursday OFF
Friday Legs
Saturday Chest & Arms
Sunday OFF

I do find that training body parts twice a week seems to work best with me the only thing I won't do twice a week is shoulders because that is my strongest body part which I currently was only workout out every 2 weeks since they are incredibly well developed, and my weakest body part are my legs during the last month they have gotten stronger and a more defined, hopefully I'll pack some serious mass in the leg department because for me it is one of the most important bodyparts.

I will post daily updates on this thread.
Today was leg day, routine was the following
FYI: My gym's weights are in lbs and it's a tad bit of work to calculate everything into KG's so sorry about that.

Set 1 @ 95lbs x 10
Set 2 @ 95lbs x 10
Set 3 @ 135lbs x 10
Set 4 @ 185lbs x 10

Leg Press
Set 1 @ 270lbs x 12
Set 2 @ 360lbs x 10
Set 3 @ 450lbs x 12
Set 4 @ 540lbs x 10

Walking Lunges/Sumo Dumbbell Squat Superset
3 Sets @ Lunges: 35lbs dumbbells x 12, Sumo Squat 50lb dumbbell x 10

Leg Extensions
3 sets @ 50lbs x 15

Seated Leg Curl
3 sets @ 75lbs x 15

Standing Calf Raise
3 Sets @ 70lbs x 20

Workout was quite intense and had an amazing pump. training my legs as hard as possible.
I could have gone heavier on both the leg press and squats but I felt like putting more concentration on the muscle and not just lifting the weight so that's why I used light weight today but on this weeks next leg I'm gonna go as heavy as I can.
As for any feelings of the gear, It's only been one day so obviously there won't be any difference but I have to admit that my recovery was a bit quicker, can't wait to blast arms tomorrow.
187 grams of protein and you weigh 150... youre gonna be on sus and deca... step the protein up to maybe 1.5g per lb of bw? btw... youre fucking ripped looking good.
187 grams of protein and you weigh 150... youre gonna be on sus and deca... step the protein up to maybe 1.5g per lb of bw? btw... youre fucking ripped looking good.

I'm at 1.25g per lb of bw, I'm just using the IIFYM macro calculator, It wanted me to use 1.15g per lb of bw so I already upped it a bit, I'm gonna keep this meal plan for a couple of weeks and see how it works out if not I'm definitely increasing it. also thanks man, I like to think I have good genetics:rolleyes:
WHY? you look like a boss already?, and your so young.After your last inject wait 2-3 weeks and then start your pct. Be careful and listen to your body. I dont agree with any of this but if you have any troubles or questions ask your putting some crazy strain on your body.Be clean and safe
Besides the fact im crazy jealous of your abs.I hit mine hard since i can even remember and even my weight was less than yours.and agree'd very good genetics.
WHY? you look like a boss already?, and your so young.After your last inject wait 2-3 weeks and then start your pct. Be careful and listen to your body. I dont agree with any of this but if you have any troubles or questions ask your putting some crazy strain on your body.Be clean and safe

Besides the fact im crazy jealous of your abs.I hit mine hard since i can even remember and even my weight was less than yours.and agree'd very good genetics.

We'll I've always been a skinny kid and got tired of it, decided to start lifting weights at my neighbors house then couple months later joined a gym, I guess I simply love the lifestyle and it feels so good when you notice your gains. Overall it adds a good and positive vibe into my life and now it is time to take it to the next level.

People always ask me what do I do for my abs, the truth is.. I don't even train them at all!:rolleyes:
I'm a firm believer that with proper dieting they will come out due to your low bodyfat percentage. I laugh when I see people with 10%+ bodyfat hitting abs everyday like crazy thinking they will pop out that way. I'm not gonna lie, I have tried to train them in the past when I had zero knowledge about nutrition because I wanted them to be more defined. but it didn't last more than 2 weeks, I hated the sore feeling on my belly for days and I bothered me when bodyparts that use your core so there is no such thing as an "abs day" on my calendar
16 July 2014

Woke up today weighing in at 156lbs, I modified my diet so starting today I upped my macros to 60g Fat/ 203.5g Protein/ 411g Carbs (2998 calories)

Today I hit shoulders after a long time, never really trained them but I guess now it is a must so it doesn't become a lagging body part, then proceeded with some traps, biceps and triceps to finish my workout.

Military Shoulder Press
Set 1 @ 115lbs x 8
Set 2 @ 135lbs x 8
Set 3 @ 155lbs x 8

Seated Dumbbell Press
Set 1 @ 35lbs x 10
Set 2 @ 40lbs x 10
Set 3 @ 50lbs x 9

Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Set 1 @ 20lbs x 12
Set 2 @ 20lbs x 12
Set 3 @ 25lbs x 12

Dumbbell Reverse Fly
Set 1 @ 15lbs x 12
Set 2 @ 10lbs x 12
Set 3 @ 10lbs x 12

Dumbell Shrug
Set 1 @ 50lbs x 8
Set 2 @ 60lbs x 8
Set 3 @ 70lbs x 8

Upright Rows
Set 1 @ 95lbs x 12
Set 2 @ 95lbs x 12
Set 3 @ 95lbs x 12

EZ-Bar Curl
Set 1 @ 30lbs x 8
Set 2 @ 30lbs x 8
Set 3 @ 40lbs x 8
Set 4 @ 40lbs x 8
Set 5 @ 50lbs x 8

Incline Dumbbell Curls
Set 1 @ 20lbs x 8
Set 2 @ 20lbs x 8
Set 3 @ 25lbs x 8
Set 4 @ 25lbs x 8
Set 5 @ 10lbs x 20

Arm Curl Machine
Set 1 @ 50lbs x 8
Set 2 @ 50lbs x 8
Set 3 @ 60lbs x 8
Set 4 @ 60lbs x 8
Set 5 @ 30lbs x 20

Close Grip Bench Press
Set 1 @ 85lbs x 8
Set 2 @ 85lbs x 8
Set 3 @ 85lbs x 8
Set 4 @ 85lbs x 8
Set 5 @ 75lbs x 20

Skull Crushers
Set 1 @ 30lbs x 8
Set 2 @ 30lbs x 8
Set 3 @ 40lbs x 8
Set 4 @ 70lbs x 8
Set 5 @ 30lbs x 20

Tricep Pushdown
Set 1 @ 50lbs x 8
Set 2 @ 70lbs x 8
Set 3 @ 90lbs x 8
Set 4 @ 100lbs x 8
Set 5 @ 80lbs x 20

My left shoulder joint bothered my a bit but that is usual for me.
Here's a picture during today's workout

View attachment 558205

Tomorrow is a rest day so I might have a cheat meal perhaps and time to get my second jab:cool: I'm excited yet nervous because my first jab was done by the person that sold me the gear and he taught me how to do it myself so kind of anxious to see how that works out.
Today was meant to be a rest day but tomorrow one of my training partners won't be able to train so we swapped the days and did legs today.

My injection in the morning was successful, was kinda paranoid at first but it all went good. My diet is going incredibly well my appetite is simply through the roof.

Weighted in at 158lbs today, that's another 2lb gain but probably water weight

Strength is steadily also increasing

Squatted 265lbs(120kg) x 3 - previously 1RM was 250lbs(113kg)
Leg Pressed 720lbs(326kg) x 8 - previously max was 630(285kg) x 12

Tomorrow finally a rest day, most likely going to sleep in all day to let them muscles grow :)
Yesterday 18 July 2014
Was a rest day, pretty much did nothing but sleep and eat

Today 19 July 2014
Woke up this morning my right arm which measured 14.75 inches, now is measuring 15inches and my left arm which measured 14.25 is now measuring 14.75, later on today I'll hit chest and arms, last time I trained arms I focused more on my biceps so I am going to focus more on my triceps today. I don't think I gained more weight but I guess I'll find out at the gym, I'm off now to go have my breakfast (10am here)