My first cycle (Test Prop and Winstrol)


New member
I'm 24 years old, for some reason my other account was deleted.. 7 1/2 years of training, 5 years of serious training.. 215 lbs 6 foot and 12% bodyfat

My cycle will look like:
Weeks 1-8 Test Prop 100mg EOD
Weeks 3-8 40mg Winstrol ED
Weeks 1-8 Adex .5mg ED

Weeks:7-8 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500UI daily

PCT: 40/20/20 Nolva..

Critique is welcome.. I hope to keep this log up for the remaining 8 weeks, going to start pinning on June 1st.. Got my blood work in and my test levels were at 435, will also get blood work done after cylce is over to make sure everything has gone back to normal..
Why you taking Winstrol (winny)? Winstrol (winny) is good for contest preparation but not as much for any substantial long term gains i.e. fat loss, muscle gain, or strength gains...I've never run Winstrol (winny) but all the vets usually agree that 90% of the time there are better options that produce better results with less sides...

Also you're better off running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout your cycle @ 200iu EOD, stopping 1 week before you start your SERM treatment...SERM treatment would be better with the addition of a 4th week (even low dose of nolva) as well as adding in 50mg/day of clomid the first 1-2weeks of pct...thats how I would do it
Why you taking Winstrol (winny)? Winstrol (winny) is good for contest preparation but not as much for any substantial long term gains i.e. fat loss, muscle gain, or strength gains...I've never run Winstrol (winny) but all the vets usually agree that 90% of the time there are better options that produce better results with less sides...

Also you're better off running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout your cycle @ 200iu EOD, stopping 1 week before you start your SERM treatment...SERM treatment would be better with the addition of a 4th week (even low dose of nolva) as well as adding in 50mg/day of clomid the first 1-2weeks of pct...thats how I would do it

My buddy told me that I should definitely throw Winstrol in the cycle with such a low dose of test to kick start my gains, I have 30x20mg tablets of nolva available but I can always buy some more and also buy some clomid if it's really worth it.. You don't think that it would be too harsh of a PCT for such a low amount of test? thanks for the advice!
Usually the typical first cycle is a longer ester form of test @500mg/ week for 10-12 weeks...test prop will be fine if you already got it and starting with only 350mg/week is fine too. What do you mean by kick start? you have Winstrol (winny) starting the 3rd week? I would drop the Winstrol (winny) (or sell it to your buddy who recommended it) and run the test 10 weeks. Clomid + nolva pct combo is just playing it safe which is still pretty risky when you are self-medicating steroids
Unless you have trouble sourcing gear, which if you're in the States I'd find that hard to believe because a 10 year old could source a solid cycle over there in about 5 minutes, scrap the prop and buy a nice smooth ester like cyp and run it for 12 weeks at 500-600mg. Listen to mlupi319, he knows what he's talking about. Prop hurts like shit, especially when you're jabbing it EOD.
Also, use dbol not Winstrol (winny). Winstrol (winny) will kill your joints. You probably won't even need adex. If you feel really bloated, face flushed and your bp is raised, then add aromasin at 12.5mg ED or EOD. Go by feel not just want everyone says you're meant to do.
Thanks for the advice, I will consider dropping the Winstrol (winny), I have added clomid.. im not to worried about pip, even though im sure it will hurt like hell! I will still keep the test prop thoughh
I dont necacasirily think you hsould switch prop for cyp. if you can get some legit goods then the prop can be smooth to inject.