My first cycle/ultradrol


New member
Hey guys I'm new here, thought I would write a quick log on my first pH cycle on ultradrol<----yes I know this is the worst thing to ever start out with, but thankfully I have a few friends that went to school for all this that helped me out. But please do be blunt with me if I made any mistake on this cycle. I will post pics as soon as I get back off this dam job site. This was done on my phone.

Age 25
6' 3"
175 lbs
5 Years lifting exp-last year all cross fit my god I'll never do this again.

Ultradrol 8mg weeks 1 through 3 then week 4 12mg
Milk Thistle
Creatine Micronized
Estro Block

Pct 4 weeks
Finiflex Revolution Pct Black
Finiflex Test Boost
Cranberry Extract
Milk Thistle
Cycle Off Creatine

Workout routine
Full body workout split into A B days Monday Wed Fri
Cardio 30 low intensity 3 days a week between workout days.

Nutrition/ Sleep
This was a huge problem during this cycle. I work in the oil field so I did not have a set schedule, working up to 75+ hrs and was on the road a lot. Thank god for gyms and pre made lunches.

I know I'm leaving a lot out and my grammar is off, but this was done on my phone and I wanted to share this.

Final Weight at the end of cycle before PCT
193 lbs
After PCt
188 lbs

Side Effects
Joint Discomfort
Some Back Pump
Hi Bp
I will update this more in def as soon as i get home. Any feed back would be great.
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