My First Cycle - Your Feedback Is Requested


New member
Hello Everyone,

Im a newbie and I need some advice and constructive criticism about my first cycle. I am limited to oral/topical only and legal only (USA). Im an infantry veteran and have lifted on and off over the years. In my mid 30s I let myself go which included general health and weight. Over the last year Ive been getting things back together but its slow and I need to speed things up a bit. Physical fitness isnt as easy as it used to be, this is where the cycle comes in.

Here are my stats:

Height: 5 11

Weight: 223lbs

BF%: Not sure but Im a bit of a butter ball. I was 260lbs this time last year.

Age: 39

Motivation: Im tired of being a slug who looks like he couldnt punch his way out of a paper bag (but must know a secret about how to get inside a potato chip bag), I want to be more attractive for my wife, and being a fat bastard (Austin Powers reference) doesnt set a good example for my children.

Goals: I dont feel the need to look like the hulk but I do feel the need to look athletic and slightly jacked like when I was in my 20s. Im not sure what this means for BF% or weight, but I believe Ill know it when I get there. I want to speed up fat loss and gain muscle and strength.

Cycle Plan:
Ultradrol: 0/0/8/16/20/24/0/0
Methylstenbolone from Antaeus Labs

PCT: 0/0/0/0/0/0/4/4
Post-Cycle 3x from Vital Labs (Bulgarian Tribulus terrestris, Trans Reservatol, Eurycoma Longfolia, Caffeine, Milk Thistle, NAC, ZMA, Zinc Aspartate, Magnesium, Indole 3 Carbinol, Avena Sativa)

MHO Poppers: 0/0/3/3/3/3/3/3
Forged by Transform Supplements

Milk Thistle: 140/140/140/140/140/140/140/140

Multi Vitamin: 2 a day on and off cycle
Megamen from GNC (non sport version)

Fish Oil: 1g per day on and off cycle

Food: Chicken breast and other low fat proteins, white rice, green vegies M-F. Sat and Sunday a bit more lax with intake and will eat whatever my family eats which may include pizza, a cheeseburger, lasagna, ect.

Rest: 7 to 9 hours per night is not a problem. I usually wake up naturally before my alarm goes off.

Activity: I work a desk most of the day with maybe 1 mile of incidental walking.

My Workout:
Mon: Chest
Tues: Arms
Weds: Back and Shoulders
Thurs: Legs
Fri: Chest & Arms
Sat: Off
Sun: Off

I have thick skin, please dont hold anything back. But Id ask that you follow-up your criticism with a suggestion to replace what you criticize. Please keep in mind that Im limited to orals/topicals and legal stuff only. If topical it must be safe for pregnant women to have contact with me and Id like to retain reproductive function.

Thank you
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With you BF, you do not need to be doing a cycle, you need to concentrate on your diet. Even if you were to run a cycle if your diet is not on point then you would not get much from the cycle. Find 3J on this board, he can help you get your diet nailed down and once you get your BF where it needs to be then consider a cycle.
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Reactions: 3J
yea i agree with the above.. your not ready for a cycle with your current stats.. email me at if your interested in learning more about my services
I am new to this myself and wanted to get going with a first cycle sooner than later but after all the research I've done and the thoughtful advice I have received I realize that I am not even close to be ready for a beginner cycle at all. I'm coming back from a severe immobilizing injury that turned a hardened physically fit body into a sluggish dough boy over the last ten months. I'm now walking again and easing into swimming and lifting again. Funny thing with me is that my diet didn't change much during this time but my muscles atrophied and I ballooned up some 35-40 over normal for me. It has been awful. So I empathize with your goal and understand the desire to throw everything but the kitchen sink at the problem. But again, based on my prior knowledge of fitness and my developing knowledge of AS/supplements, that's not the place to start. Unless you can lock down that diet and commit to a rigorous exercise regime it wont even do you any good to try a cycle. In fact in might just make you heavier. Plus cycling/supplements aren't cheap, spend that money on a nutrition coach and a personal trainer. Once your BMI goes down, the more aggressive work can begin. There's no quick fix. Believe me, I want one too. And I don't know if you've seen a primary care doc recently but if not go in and get all your labs done. Knowing your liver enzymes, thyroid function and basically all your labs will help guide what you can or can't do and what certain diets and basic supplements might be good for you. Good luck dude. And keep coming to the forums with your progress and/or new ideas. Keep a journal of your progress. You'll love looking back on it.