My first cycle!


New member
So i've been working out for roughly 2 years, going harder in the last year. Im 25, 6'0, 180 lbs. Before i started working out i was only 155. I want to put on roughly 10 lbs. I have an extremely fast metabolsim. Whats been suggested to me is test, eq and d bol. pct nova. I'm pretty knew to this and just been getting advice from guys in the gym. I want to get down the amount i will be doing and for how long. can you guys help me out?
Start with a test only cycle to see how it affects you on its own, don't add any other compounds
500mg/wk split into 2 doses, run for 12 weeks - is a good starting cycle.

Make sure you use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and proper PCT
for a 1st time test will suffice forget the rest and learn the basics, youll gin well with just test but you gotta workout and eat right, if you had to be pushy you could add an oral kicker but youll need extra supports to counter this, forget Eq whoever suggested that is an idiot and nolva alone is not gonna help you gain or recover enough i would seriously look into post cycle therapy (pct) and recovery more, this is how your cycle should look like buddy, iv put in the oral kicker for you and the addditional support but id just go with test for the 1st time:
1-12 test e
2-12 aromasin
6-12 HCG 500iusx2 a week
Kicker ???
1-4 dbol
1-4 n2guard (deals with the liver, blood pressure issues etc)

post cycle therapy (pct). (14 days after last test pin)
14-17 clomid 50/25/25/25
14-17 nolva 40/20/20/20
14-19 forma stanzol
14-19 Daa 3g's a day
for a 1st time test will suffice forget the rest and learn the basics, youll gin well with just test but you gotta workout and eat right, if you had to be pushy you could add an oral kicker but youll need extra supports to counter this, forget Eq whoever suggested that is an idiot and nolva alone is not gonna help you gain or recover enough i would seriously look into post cycle therapy (pct) and recovery more, this is how your cycle should look like buddy, iv put in the oral kicker for you and the addditional support but id just go with test for the 1st time:
1-12 test e
2-12 aromasin
6-12 HCG 500iusx2 a week
Kicker ???
1-4 dbol
1-4 n2guard (deals with the liver, blood pressure issues etc)

post cycle therapy (pct). (14 days after last test pin)
14-17 clomid 50/25/25/25
14-17 nolva 40/20/20/20
14-19 forma stanzol
14-19 Daa 3g's a day

Just curious why some people choose aromasin and some arimidex. Is this personal preference? When I read up on it aromasin is used after someone is on arimidex for 5 years or over. Wouldn't you want to start with the lesser of the two? Thanks! (the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) part is the most confusing to me of the whole cycle)
Just curious why some people choose aromasin and some arimidex. Is this personal preference? When I read up on it aromasin is used after someone is on arimidex for 5 years or over. Wouldn't you want to start with the lesser of the two? Thanks! (the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) part is the most confusing to me of the whole cycle)

if you look into it aromasin is the better of two buddy trust me, do abit of research and youll see why, but you can use either at any time for your Ai.
All you need to know really is - run either on cycle and use the letro as a gyno killer if it apears, then continue with your chosen Aromatase inhibitor (AI) etc.
Letro would be the same as using Nolva also, correct? As that's what I will have on hand for post cycle therapy (pct).

no letro and nolva are nothing alike, nolva is a serm, letro is a very powerful Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I wouldn't ever use letro at all unless i had gyno present that needed killing.
nolva will block eastrogen at the breast tissue, letro will kill all eastrogen about 98% which will dry your joints out and hinder gains. Aromasin is a suicidal Aromatase inhibitor (AI) that kills eastrogen but leaves abit, enough to benefical and is far superior to letro on cycle, just run aromasin or adex which is ok but not as effective as aromasin if you read up on it, buts its popular and alot of people use it. Just run either of these on cycle as a prevention and save the letro as a cure should you have trouble, which i strongly doubt if you dose correctly.
Nolva is ok for post cycle therapy (pct) but no use at all on cycle far better things, and letro is too strong better things to consistently make use off in its stead.
i did test eth 500mg/week with dbol kick start for my first cycle and had an amazing experience.. i'd prob recommend that or just test-e alone.