My First Cycle


New member
Hey Bros

I've dieted and exercised seriously from the beginning of the year. I used to be in great shape but my job got in the way, I finally prioritized everything. Started dieting super clean and working out hardcore last month and I dropped about 10lbs.

I finally built up the courage to start a cycle and pinned myself today.

Test 300 100mg
Trenabol 50mg
Equipoise 50mg

Every 5 days.

I plan on doing this cycle for 6-8 weeks.
I will add Nolvadex in 3 weeks either every day or EOD.

For post cycle therapy (pct) I have Nolvadex and just in case I have Arimidex on hand but I'm not planning on using it unless I have to.
I'm going to start adding post cycle therapy (pct)

It took a lot of research, thought and courage... but I'm on it.
I'll keep you guys posted and eventually post up some before and after pics.

Feel free to leave comments or suggestions.
You need to do more research. Stick around for a little bit and you will realize your mixing your post cycle therapy (pct) and your Aromatase inhibitor (AI), you don't have your prolactin covered, and dose and time are off.

No then against you, just please stick around and do a little more research
6 week cycle isn't gunna do much for you. You need to do alot of research on what you are pinning and about pct.