My first ever cycle,advice needed..correct me if wrong.

Kevin Maverick

New member
age 22
weight 187lbs
ht 5.11
yrs training 2

Am gonna start my first ever cycle,as i read the sticky's and gained some knowlege,am gonna start with test for 10 to 12 weeks 500mg a week..
My question is which test ester is best for a beginner? Enanthate/cypionate/propionate?

Gonna start pct after 14 days for cyp/enanthate,if propionate after 5days,is this right?
Should i take both clomid and nolva or just any one?
Whats the dosage of these?
And can i have sex while on a cycle or will it reduce the gains ?

Thanks in advance:wavey:
Test E or Cyp is Fine. Test prop would need to be injected every2-3 days....too many needles for your first time around.
You need to take HCG during this cycle. 500 iu/wk 5wk on 1wk off
You need to take an AI during your cycle i.e. Arimidex works well.
Clomid 50/50/50/50 (1wk/1wk/1wk/1wk)
Nova 40/40/20/20

If you are prone to Acne....You'll find out soon enough. Pantothenic Acid(vitamin b5) works amazing. .5-4g a day depending on severity. If your taking a higher dose, liver protection is advised. If you choose to use this product, online purchasing is recommended because of the higher concentration of pantothenic acid per pill.(less pills a day)

You can absolutely have sex on cycle. This is very good stress release and does not reduce your gains.
When the Test "hits". You will want to "Tap" every chick you see lol
age 22
weight 187lbs
ht 5.11
yrs training 2

Am gonna start my first ever cycle,as i read the sticky's and gained some knowlege,am gonna start with test for 10 to 12 weeks 500mg a week..
My question is which test ester is best for a beginner? Enanthate/cypionate/propionate?

Gonna start pct after 14 days for cyp/enanthate,if propionate after 5days,is this right?
Should i take both clomid and nolva or just any one?
Whats the dosage of these?
And can i have sex while on a cycle or will it reduce the gains ?

Thanks in advance:wavey:

Welcome to ology. I suggest you re read the stickies starting with this one and all its links:

Had you read this in its entirety you would see a couple templates for a first cycle.

Why you should use both clomid and nolva for pct.

The big one is about the young and steroids. You are too young to start cycling you havn t reached your natty potential yet you need to learn how to train and diet properly to make and keeps gains natty if not your not going to get anything from the use of AAS.

At 22 your not finished growing height and width wise and adding exogeneous test to your body will stop it. Your endocrine system isn't finished developing yet do you really want to hinder it's growth?

Educate before you medicate. Do some more research before using steroids.
Wait until age 25 when your brain / endocrine system are done developing. You will see links to studies on why this is important in the FAQs thread. I promise we will be here to help you run a good cycle when the time is right.
And can i have sex while on a cycle or will it reduce the gains ?

Ha! That is the first time I have ever seen anyone ask that question!

No, sex will not reduce gains unless you do it so often that you physically wear yourself out or it gets in the way of getting sufficient sleep.

When on a cycle - especially your first one - you will want to put your dick in anything with a skirt on (or skinny jeans if you like boys instead). Think of it like Testosterone Goggles.
Ha! That is the first time I have ever seen anyone ask that question!

No, sex will not reduce gains unless you do it so often that you physically wear yourself out or it gets in the way of getting sufficient sleep.

When on a cycle - especially your first one - you will want to put your dick in anything with a skirt on (or skinny jeans if you like boys instead). Think of it like Testosterone Goggles.

When I was competitive water skier rumor had it with the young novices as to no sex the night before the competition ?? Where do these thoughts come from??

OP you need to wait until 25 and matured and educated. Hang in there and good luck
When I was competitive water skier rumor had it with the young novices as to no sex the night before the competition ?? Where do these thoughts come from??

OP you need to wait until 25 and matured and educated. Hang in there and good luck

Night before is OK. There is supposedly research showing that sex the same day as competition can result in lowered performance. I haven't looked for the studies though.

I think this myth may have been popularized by boxers.
Let's just say my quads are not developing like they should cause they are constantly being over trained ;)