My first Hgh cycle........


New member
I am looking to start an hgh cycle. First question is how much water to add to the 10iu vial. Is 3 ui a good starting point for dose? And what do you recommend as a good stack to run with it for weight gain. I'm 6'2 180lbs
My question is what are you looking to get from this? HGH without the AAS is like an ice cream cone, minus the ice cream. Sure, it's tasty - but just not the same.

I'll ask since I know it'll come up before your question is answered: what are your stats/age/training experience/goals?
I'm lookin to keep gaining weight and muscle. I'm 38 years old. I have done a couple cycles one with dbol and sust and eq One with dbol sus and deca.
I'm lookin to keep gaining weight and muscle. I'm 38 years old. I have done a couple cycles one with dbol and sust and eq One with dbol sus and deca.

How come you're below your genetic potential then? at 180lbs you're a good 20 or so lbs light for what you could do naturally. Do you see GH as your magic drug or are there additional benefits you want out of this?
Again I'm not looking for that kind of advice. Just look I g for answers to the questions I asked

you only want narrow minded or poor advice?
Food is literally your best answer.

Eat more, you'll gain size AND your metabolism will speed up. Eat the right things and you'll stay lean. You'll see results 10x better than when using GH.
I'm lookin to keep gaining weight and muscle. I'm 38 years old. I have done a couple cycles one with dbol and sust and eq One with dbol sus and deca.

1ml of water per each 10iu vial... 5iu per day is a good starting point, anything less for bodybuilding purposes is not gonna be effective... and even at 5iu, don't expect too much even after a year

at 6'2" there's no reason why you can't get to at least 220lbs after a couple good runs of test/deca or something similar... I'm 5'10" 220 (41yrs old)

I would only consider running hgh at 10iu or more per day... if you can't afford that, then there's way more bang for your buck with gear and food
Eq is good at times... but for what for what your goals seem to be I'd be recommending test/deca, 5-600mg of each per week for 16 weeks... Run a little arimidex from start to finish, 6.25mg per day should be plenty...

Standard pct (clomid/nolva) to follow 3 weeks after last injection (only if you're coming off and not on TRT)

This regimen combined with a see-food diet (you see it, you eat it), and you'll be 200lbs or more at the end of the run
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you mean EoD?

0.5mg ED of adex is one hefty dose for that small amount of gear.

I've had good results with 0.5mg per day, but yeah sometimes 0.25mg per is enough... so a better way to put it would be to start off at 0.25mg per day (or 0.5 eod), then adjust if needed