my first pic

jk021080 said:
This is my first and probably only pic.. first of all, i really f*** hate cameras, and second my girlfriend find it kinda weird to have half-naked pictures of myself on the pc :afro:
Anyway, I`ve been working out for 4 months now, and just wondered how I`m doing so far. It takes two of me to make one of you guys, but we all gotta start somewhere, i guess..
Don`t know lbs and stuff, but I`m 1.78cm and weigh 79kg.. and thats about it..

lookin good, nice ink
about my diet, i try to live up to this thingy i got from the forum a while ago;

8am: Large serving (two - three bowls) of starchy carbs (such as your commercially packaged cereal) in full cream milk with 5 scrambled eggs and orange juice.

10.30: 1 x Home-made chicken, turkey, fish or beef burger.

1pm: 2 x Home-made chicken, turkey, fish or beef burgers

3.30: 1 x Home-made chicken, turkey, fish or beef burger.

(4.30 - 5.30 - training)

5:30: 1 weight gainer shake in water (50g protein and 100g carbs)

6:30: Spaghetti bolognaise with sauce until full.

9pm: 1 weight gainer shake in 12oz of full cream milk

Not allways, what i do but mostly like the above. But see, im a hard-gainer and it takes double time for me to gain a pound than normal people.

I work out four times a week

Monday; back
tuesday; chest/shoulders
Wednesday; rest
thursday; arms
Friday; legs

Dont have a specific workout thingy to copy and paste, but i do the 5x5 routine with 80% of 1RM (in norwegian that is, the max i can lift 1 time). I do the deads, squats and isolation exercises. But hey, i started not even a year ago, and have shitloads to learn. So if there are any helpfull dude who wants to help out the newb here, be my guest:)
Good progress bro, try adding in some dextro in water during training or some just before you start lifting.
Keep at it, thats all one can do, train like a motherfucker, eat like a motherfucker and sleep like a motherfucker.
Looking good. How much weight did you gain since training? I found that eating like an animal was the key to grow.
At your weight and height you should be eating 3300/3400 kcals ED to bulk, and if you are a hardgainer maybe a bit more. Try to count your kcal intake so you can know if you're eating enough.
The 5x5 routine was also good for me. Remember to keep adding weight to your workouts.
Good luck.
You certainly looked good just four months out but it gets harder after those initial easy gains, doesn't it? That's what I'm finding, anyway. The gains still come, just not as ridiculously easy as they did.

Looking good.
My goal is to build, grow both strength and bodymass. Low carbs? Gotta count `em again, i guess and increase. But, we all gotta start somewhere. Since starting to workout i`ve gained 22lbs, but thats freakin slowin down now.. Still adding weight to the workouts, but eventually thats gonna go slower to i guess. Haha, but thats the challenge..
Traps look pretty good. I would work on the shoulders a bit more and hit the lats hard. Looking good though.