My first strange cycle just to be me again and gain a little in the process


New member
Good day,

I am 36y old, 85.7kg with 22% body fat. I am on a three day split. My diet is 2000 calories a day, 140 - 150g protein with 80g fat.

I don't know enough about steroids to start this but the guy that help me is doing it for the past 27 years. The reason why he agreed is that I just want my testosterone levels to be normal and maintain it. I do struggle to sleep sometime and to loose fat (BMI 27) and then the big old low sex drive and poor erections. I hope this new treatment can take care of it all and give me my body back. Working hard for the last 6 months and sow gains like 2cm on my arms in two months.

Sex test 26.9
Free tst 423
Cholesterol 5.1 - doctor said it is still fine

I started my first cycle 6 Sept 2015, 1cc decaplex nandrolone 200? and 1cc sustaplex 325 every 12 days for the fist two shots. then he said we will go to 0.5cc deca and 1cc sus and add a "mass builder" of 0.5cc also every 12 days 3 times. That will then make it a 5 x every 12 days.

A week ago I had a spike that me and my wife enjoyed for three days where after is dropped again to my normal.
Before this happened my nipples was erect but not to sedative or sore. Up to date I have gained almost 3kg that brings me to my current 85.7kg.

What is your opinion around this approach and experience/ view around getting lean, build lean muscle, sex drive and erection improvement.

Sigh.. trusting that "guy" at the gym for solid advice. So much wrong here.

We need reference ranges for the values you listed. And as an FYI we measure in mg for what were taking a week, not in CC's. Important to know that.
How long have u been doing this for ? The fact that u mentioned nothing about an AI is concerning . Seems like overall there is a bit more research that should/could be done for this . I mean its your choice to start cycling , however mass is only going to be put on with how much u are eating ... u can take grams of gear and wont gain weight if u arent eating more then maintenance calories . maybe just water retention weight at best . Deca isnt recommended first time around , and that in order to see how to respond to test first incase troubles arise next cycle u can pinpoint whats going on . Deca at 200mg a week will only maybe help joints at best , wouldnt expect any type of mass from that , should also be run 20 weeks for its long ester time . Sustanon dose can be left where its at . However running 325 mg every 2 weeks isnt a substantial cycle . most first cycles consist of 500mg . both will still shut u down . Honest . i think U should read a bit more about this stuff before following "buddies" whatever instructions . Sounds like u may also be getting high estrogen hence the "spike" in drive u had and then it dropped . If ran properly with an AI test will increase drive and make u feel great , can also do the opposite without managing estrogen .
We need a mod or someone who can help him to respond to all of this. I truly will never understand why people will put something like this into their body withoout gaining some general knowledge first.
Good day,

I am 36y old, 85.7kg with 22% body fat. I am on a three day split. My diet is 2000 calories a day, 140 - 150g protein with 80g fat.

I don't know enough about steroids to start this but the guy that help me is doing it for the past 27 years. The reason why he agreed is that I just want my testosterone levels to be normal and maintain it. I do struggle to sleep sometime and to loose fat (BMI 27) and then the big old low sex drive and poor erections. I hope this new treatment can take care of it all and give me my body back. Working hard for the last 6 months and sow gains like 2cm on my arms in two months.

Sex test 26.9
Free tst 423
Cholesterol 5.1 - doctor said it is still fine

I started my first cycle 6 Sept 2015, 1cc decaplex nandrolone 200? and 1cc sustaplex 325 every 12 days for the fist two shots. then he said we will go to 0.5cc deca and 1cc sus and add a "mass builder" of 0.5cc also every 12 days 3 times. That will then make it a 5 x every 12 days.

A week ago I had a spike that me and my wife enjoyed for three days where after is dropped again to my normal.
Before this happened my nipples was erect but not to sedative or sore. Up to date I have gained almost 3kg that brings me to my current 85.7kg.

What is your opinion around this approach and experience/ view around getting lean, build lean muscle, sex drive and erection improvement.


Sorry bud, but you're getting advice from a guy that's been doing it WRONG for 27 years. :(

For starters, you're missing two blood values that could really help explain things; estradiol and prolactin. Both of these can impact most of what you listed, and adding testosterone/nandrolone could make things worse.

This ridiculous ramping up without any attention to half-lives is worse than silly, it's going to put you on a hormonal rollercoaster. Even worse, I'm betting there isn't an AI being used, which combined with being overweight, is going to cause some perky little b cups to form. (among other nasty side effects that you can't see)

You wanted help with certain problems, and pretty much did the worst thing you could have done as now your blood work will be contaminated with false data. Data that can take months to get rid of, as you have shut yourself down, and won't make your own test for some time.

For starters, I recommend you read the FAQ sticky at the top of this forum. It would have been far better if you had looked into this before putting hormones into your body, but no sense in beating a dead horse.

I also strongly recommend that you either fix this abortion of a cycle with the knowledge you gain, or PCT out now. I would also get a blood test to see what's going on - cheap places that are anonymous are also found in the FAQ.

You've made a mess, but hopefully it's all solvable.

My .02c :)
We need a mod or someone who can help him to respond to all of this. I truly will never understand why people will put something like this into their body withoout gaining some general knowledge first.

the answers and help is all here, he just has to do it and stop being a knucklehead
Thanks for the info. I will see the docter this week to check my estrogen. I was thinking that it have always been high as I was starting to get man tits. I will also read up more. The spike is the thing that told me all is not 100%. It it went uo and stayed there I could just reduce test to get the desired levels.

I am taking extra test to get me to a normal range though. The benefits from the top end normal levels is good enough for me to see how my body reacts to it as it is my first time.
I agree and I do understand you want people to sucseed. The guy has his own gym and he was n powerlifter in the day. I know him for a while and I wanted to take test boosters and he told me it is not good and more expensive. We had long chats and he told me about alot of stuff and different steroids.

Thanjs for the reply.
I have gone through the site and found that my aim is a bit different. I will read up more but I am worried about the fact that my blood test wont show the truth and fir going off will take a while to get to normal. Deca will be in my blood for 18 months, think I will complete this cycle and see how my body reacts.

What about esteogen levels, must I drop it and see what happens ?
Thank for the reply.
Darkwing86: Wil I need to take arimidix EOD, every other day, for the duration of my cycle ? Then is it ok to take .25mg EOD ?