My FIrst Test Cycle / Help and Advice Please


New member
Hi Everyone , this is my first time doing a Test cycle and i would realy appreciate anybodies advice and experience .
Im 26 , 200lbs 5'7" around 13-15% body fat and have been training heavy for 3 years . I would like to do a test only cycle , what do you guys think about this cycle for me for a first time , and any feedback greatly appreciated

Week 1-4 Test Prop 100mg once a week
Week 1-10 Test E 500mg 2x a week Tuesday/Friday
Week 10-12 Test Prop 300mg a week e3d
HCG 250iu 2x a week from week 2-12 (5000iu bottle)
PCT week 12-16 Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid 50/50/50/50

*Liquidex(Arimidex) - .5ml from day 1 eod until last Test P shot (adjusting dose as needed)
*LiquidLetro(Exemestane) on hand in case
*Diet is very clean and lean food , between 4000-5000 calories a day
- The idea is to have if even a very small frontload of Prop and dont want to take more than 600mg of test a week between the Test E and Prop
- I only have 10 amps of prop so thats why i have 4 amps in first 4 weeks and the last 6amps in the last 2 weeks of cycle .The idea with finishing with Prop last is to reduce time im "off" test before i start PCT , same idea with starting the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at week 2 until the end . THANKS AGAIN in advance appreciate ANY advice!
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dont like the way you kickstart, id just run enth normally without any kick for your first cycle imo

week 10-12 your running 600mgs of prop, too high. prop has more test than enth, 600mg prop is probably around 750mg enth (guesstimate)

wait a week after your prop to start pct

run adex a few more days after your last prop shot

pct looks fine
* teste or cyp hits its peek per dose after only a few days, you are over complicating this and needing EOD injection on first cycle? you may regret it. keep it simple.*
Hi Everyone , this is my first time doing a Test cycle and i would realy appreciate anybodies advice and experience .
Im 26 , 200lbs 5'7" around 13-15% body fat and have been training heavy for 3 years . I would like to do a test only cycle , what do you guys think about this cycle for me for a first time , and any feedback greatly appreciated

Week 1-14 Test E 500mg 2x a week Tuesday/Friday

HCG 500iu 2x a week from week 10-15 (5000iu bottle)
PCT week 15-19 Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid 50/50/50/50

*Liquidex(Arimidex) - .5ml from day 1 eod until last Test P shot (adjusting dose as needed)
*LiquidLetro(Exemestane) on hand in case *you only need one Aromatase inhibitor (AI), why 2? also letro is NOT exmestane, letro is letro*
*Diet is very clean and lean food , between 4000-5000 calories a day
- The idea is to have if even a very small frontload of Prop and dont want to take more than 600mg of test a week between the Test E and Prop
- I only have 10 amps of prop so thats why i have 4 amps in first 4 weeks and the last 6amps in the last 2 weeks of cycle *if you use it make it eod not e3d*.The idea with finishing with Prop last is to reduce time im "off" test before i start PCT , same idea with starting the HCG at week 2 until the end . THANKS AGAIN in advance appreciate ANY advice!

In red is my op
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hey juiced, quick question for you.

any reason you start pct in week 15 for this cycle? i always thought it was supposed to be at least 2 weeks after the last shot of test. just curious
ok so ill just cut out the prop and forget it on this cycle , so 250mg 2x a week 1-14 . Should i not start post cycle therapy (pct) though on week 16 , 2 weeks after last test e shot ? typo or is there a reason ? And last thing , u think i should run the hcg the last few weeks and not throughout the cycle to keep natty test going ?
ok so ill just cut out the prop and forget it on this cycle , so 250mg 2x a week 1-14 . Should i not start post cycle therapy (pct) though on week 16 , 2 weeks after last test e shot ? typo or is there a reason ? And last thing , u think i should run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) the last few weeks and not throughout the cycle to keep natty test going ?

The half life for enan is not actually 2 weeks, that is a guesstimate. Juicer prolly typo-ed week 15 start post cycle therapy (pct). 2 weeks after last injection is standard.. Frontloading prop is fine, but not necessary. 14 weeks of enanthate should suffice. Stay on top of estro issues. Can use exemestane for post cycle therapy (pct) and adex during cycle for estro control, my recommendation. good luck bro!
hey juiced, quick question for you.

any reason you start pct in week 15 for this cycle? i always thought it was supposed to be at least 2 weeks after the last shot of test. just curious

It is supposed to be after, but the time isn't always two weeks(depends on gear) and when you begin depends on what they want out of their cycle
* teste or cyp hits its peek per dose after only a few days, you are over complicating this and needing EOD injection on first cycle? you may regret it. keep it simple.*

I did and eod on my first go and I was fine, after I got used to the idea of stabbing myself. lol. I was a piercer for years and have had several myself(including my junk) so, it may have been easier for me than most
I am 28 years old and been training for 11 years I have reach 190lbs but would like to gain 20-30 more lbs. I consume between 4000-4500 calories daily. I am looking to start my first cycle, any advice on what to use and good post cycle therapy (pct) would be great and also good sources of where to get the gear. All comments appreciated.
Hi Everyone , this is my first time doing a Test cycle and i would realy appreciate anybodies advice and experience .
Im 26 , 200lbs 5'7" around 13-15% body fat and have been training heavy for 3 years . I would like to do a test only cycle , what do you guys think about this cycle for me for a first time , and any feedback greatly appreciated

Week 1-4 Test Prop 100mg once a week no do it eod
Week 1-10 Test E 500mg 2x a week Tuesday/Friday that's fine
Week 10-12 Test Prop 300mg a week e3d just keep it at 100 eod whole cycle
HCG 250iu 2x a week from week 2-12 (5000iu bottle)
post cycle therapy (pct) week 12-16 Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid 50/50/50/50

*Liquidex(Arimidex) - .5ml from day 1 eod until last Test P shot (adjusting dose as needed)
*LiquidLetro(Exemestane) on hand in case
*Diet is very clean and lean food , between 4000-5000 calories a day
- The idea is to have if even a very small frontload of Prop and dont want to take more than 600mg of test a week between the Test E and Prop
- I only have 10 amps of prop so thats why i have 4 amps in first 4 weeks and the last 6amps in the last 2 weeks of cycle .The idea with finishing with Prop last is to reduce time im "off" test before i start post cycle therapy (pct) , same idea with starting the HCG at week 2 until the end . THANKS AGAIN in advance appreciate ANY advice!
I am 28 years old and been training for 11 years I have reach 190lbs but would like to gain 20-30 more lbs. I consume between 4000-4500 calories daily. I am looking to start my first cycle, any advice on what to use and good post cycle therapy (pct) would be great and also good sources of where to get the gear. All comments appreciated.

Firstly you would be better off starting your own thread mate if u want help. And make sure you have read all the stickys and board rules beforehand. Just a suggestion ;-)