My first test e cycle


New member
I did my first shot test e 250 mg.

Il be doing 250 mg x 2 per week

Duration 12 - 16 weeks

this is my problem

Just when I think you've got your cycle figured out.

U Find out u don't

2 of my mates started there cycle so I waited back.

To observe there progress

Mate 1 has been on test e for nearly 7 weeks

With deca at doses of test e 750 and deca 300 ml

I haven't seen his strength increase. I haven't seen his size grow

Mate 2 has been on test e 250 per week deca 200 per week

And he's only been on for 4 weeks he has gained strength and 8 kg

The only difference between the 2 is mate one has been using arimadex at .25

Eod and then he upped the dose to .50 eod because he still got sensitive

nipples he has lost 2 kg in he's 7 week cycle

Mate 2 hasn't used arimadex has no sensitive nipples and is on half the dose

Yes mate 2 looks a little bloated but not much but he is stronger bigger and heavier

Why the hell would I be using arimadex

Because this is to only thing I can put it down to

There are so many different opinions but I played doctor sat back and watched.

My Mates the Guinnea pigs the proof is right in front of me

What's your opinion
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mate 1 who hasnt made no gains. is a personal trainer his diet is spot on. he has been training for 5 years hes already in great shape.

but he is only 23. no real gains or strengh.

mate 2 who isnt as commited been training for a year. went from 90kg to 98 kg hes diet is not as clean as mate 1

they are both using primoteston pre loaded syringes. some one did tell me theres a set up were they remove. the good test out of the syring

and replace it with fake. but the packiging is sealed and perfect were in sydney australia.

witch brings me to diet. if u eat evry 2 hours. perfect diet brown rice, oats, breast chicken, brocilli, tuna, almonds, protein shake, fruit after

work outs rump steak u can barley get to 2500 calories after 7 meals. your just so full and always replinished if u stuff your self any more

just get fat. this is for myself 87 kg 178cm

i injected 3 days ago should i be taking arimadex or not and at what dose or should i wait a bit.

i already have have hard ones in the morning the last to days . as i was diagnosed with low test . this hasnt happened to me in years.

is this a sign the gear is legit.your advice please