My first Test E Cycle


New member
Hi all.

I am in the early stages of planning my first steroid cycle using test e for 10 weeks.

A quick passage about me - I've recently turned 27, I'm 203 lbs, have body fat of around 12/13%, been training hard and lifting for around 5 years now and roughly consume around 4000 cals a day (relatively clean diet with the odd chocolate biscuit thrown in)

Having read countless forums over the last few months about cycles, which test to use, orals, pct and HCG, I feel I am ready to post a cycle and see what advice I get back from the more knowledgeable people out there.

My plan is to pack on some good weight and bult which I struggle with severely. I seem to have a quick metabolism, that combines with my tall and long and slim body shape doesn't make it real easy to bulk!!

So, I plan to run 500mg of Test E only cycle for 10 -12 weeks, running clomid and Nov for my pct.

Here's where I have questions I'm hoping you can answer.
Do I run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Arimidex or Aromasin at the start of the cycle and also add a HCG in towards the end of the cycle? I can't find any clear concise information about this so was looking for a heads up from the more experienced head.

Weeks 1 - 10 Test E (With or without Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and HCG)??
Weeks 12 - 16 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Any thoughts guys?
Hi all.

I am in the early stages of planning my first steroid cycle using test e for 10 weeks.

A quick passage about me - I've recently turned 27, I'm 203 lbs, have body fat of around 12/13%, been training hard and lifting for around 5 years now and roughly consume around 4000 cals a day (relatively clean diet with the odd chocolate biscuit thrown in)

Having read countless forums over the last few months about cycles, which test to use, orals, pct and HCG, I feel I am ready to post a cycle and see what advice I get back from the more knowledgeable people out there.

My plan is to pack on some good weight and bult which I struggle with severely. I seem to have a quick metabolism, that combines with my tall and long and slim body shape doesn't make it real easy to bulk!!

So, I plan to run 500mg of Test E only cycle for 10 -12 weeks, running clomid and Nov for my pct.

Here's where I have questions I'm hoping you can answer.
Do I run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Arimidex or Aromasin at the start of the cycle and also add a HCG in towards the end of the cycle? I can't find any clear concise information about this so was looking for a heads up from the more experienced head.

Weeks 1 - 10 Test E (With or without Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and HCG)??
Weeks 12 - 16 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Any thoughts guys?

1) run a medium length test ester like Enanthate for 12wks minimum (will take 4-6wks to even kick in).
2) if you can't bulk up naturally, the test isn't going to do much for you besides add water weight. Learn to bulk properly and your results will be that much better. (Dirty up the diet a little if you have trouble eating in a caloric surplus).
3) you mention clomid early in post but leave it out at the end, run in wks same length as nolva but 50/50/50/50 or 50/50/25/25.
4) HCG is not required but can help keep your testes working during cycle and help restart them pre-PCT. research some of "cashout's" threads in here. He know his stuff and HCG.
5) run Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from start of cycle to just before you start PCT. don't use Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during PCT. aromasin has shorter terminal half life so 6.25-12.5mg/ED is a good starting point, adjust as needed. Arimidex has a longer half life so start 0.25-0.5mg/ ED or EOD and adjust as needed.