My first time using I have decca and test and want to stack


New member
This is my first time using .. I want to stack decca and test .. Can someone here please give me some info and details how to stack why and possibly why not.. I work derrecks on an oil rig and this is for strength power and size.. I would like to gain all that I can from this cycle.. I am 34 years old 5'2 135 lbs with a 3-6percent body fat..I've always been muscular and thin with a fast metabolism..
If you maintained a 3% body fat,, its unlikely that you would even be alive right now.

If you want to add strength, power, and size, best thing to do is eat, get your diet and training in check and get your body fat to a realistic 12% or so. Again, at 3% (doubtful) you either a skeleton or half dead (let alone strong).

You only need Test for a first cycle.. drop the deca idea. you should get your diet, fat percentage, and body weight up first though