My gyno


New member
Just thought I'd share my experience with gyno and how I got rid of it!

I did a 6 week pro hormone cycle of Dymethezine + The-One, after stopping my PCT of Tamoxifen (tapered off slowly) I developed a small lump under my nipple which wen't completely unnoticed until I randomly felt there one day, the lump was the size of a 20p piece, very tender to touch and noticeably changed my lower pec shape.

I attempted to get rid of it using Tamoxifen with no luck whatsoever, I was starting to worry and was shocked at just how insecure it made me (although could of been the nolva!), I did a lot more research and ended up ordering Letro.

I'm now on a .6mg a day slowly tapering off the med, I tapered up to 2.5mg for a bout a week, my gyno is now COMPLETELY gone, no tenderness, nothing.

I cannot recommend Letro enough! Killed my sex drive but completely worth it IMO!

Just thought this might give some hope out to people who are starting to develop it, I will now always have letro on hand just in case!